ken-and-joniAvocat international al persoanelor cu handicap, Joni Eareckson Tada, a fost diagnosticata recent suferind de cancer la san si a fost programata pentru operatie saptamana urmatoare – 28 Iunie 2010. Christianity Today publica un fragment din comunicatul de presa difuzat de organizatia “Joni and Friends”:

“Joni mai are de trecut prin cateva teste pana la data oepratiei…nu se pot da detalii despre gravitatea/masura in care cancerul s-a intins…Ken Tada, sotul lui Joni, (sunt casatoriti de aproape 28 de ani) este foarte increzator in rezultatul operatiei avand in vedere progresul realizat in ultimii ani in acest domeniu.

“… Joni se afla pe maini bune…” a adaugat el.

“Am spus adesea faptul ca toate problemele noastre vin din mana Atotinteleptului si Atotstapanitorului Dumnezeu, care ne iubeste si vrea pentru noi ce e mai bun. Sunt pregatita sa primesc de la Dumnezeu orice a hotarat El pentru mine” – a declarat Joni.

Aici se pot afla mai multe despre starea ei de sanatate.

Comunicatul de presa este aici.

Special Message From Joni

Joni and Ken together, reflecting

You have always been so faithful to pray for Ken and me – especially for my health. But today I bring before you a new concern. I have breast cancer. Ken and I have been assured by our doctors that there are many new treatments for breast cancer, and we are very hopeful for a successful surgery and a full recovery.

You have heard me often say that our afflictions come from the hand of our all-wise and sovereign God, and although cancer is something new, I am content to receive from God whatever He deems fit for me – even if it is from His left hand (better from His left hand, than no hand at all, right?!). Yes, it’s alarming, but rest assured that Ken and I are utterly convinced that God is going to use this to stretch our faith, brighten our hope, and strengthen our witness to others…

Especially at Joni and Friends. We’ve always prized the ministry God has given Joni and Friends to people facing a variety of disabilities; everything from autism to Alzheimer’s, from spina bifida to spinal cord injury. For years I have hoped that my quadriplegia might encourage people struggling with cancer… now I have a chance to truly empathize and journey alongside, affirming that God's grace is always sufficient for whatever the disease or disability.

I will be undergoing tests the rest of this week, after which, I will have surgery on the afternoon of Monday, June 28th. Please pray that the upcoming tests, surgery and subsequent treatment will be successful (thankfully, my quadriplegia has no bearing on either the surgery or the treatment; I'm like any other woman with breast cancer -- I simply want to focus my energies on getting better).

Of course, I believe that God can and does heal and I covet your prayers to that end. Most of all, please pray that God will pour out grace-upon-grace on Ken and me. We’ll be posting regular updates on “Joni’s Corner” here on our website – also posted here you will find an article called “Don’t Waste Your Cancer” by John Piper and David Powlison, both of whom are cancer survivors. I can’t begin to describe how encouraged I’ve been just reading their insights – I'm sure you’ll say the same after you read it. We join you in resting in the assurance of Psalm 62:5-6, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.”

Yours in His sovereign care,

Joni's   Signature

Joni Eareckson Tada

Click HERE to view the article "Don't Waste Your Cancer" by John Piper.

Click HERE to view a special video from Joni that accompanies this message.

*This special message is also posted in the Joni and Friends Blog. Click HERE to access the blog and post/view comments.