Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce
”După ce sămăna Israel, Madian se suia cu Amalec şi fiii Răsăritului, şi porneau împotriva lui. Tăbărau în faţa lui, nimiceau roadele ţării pînă spre Gaza; şi nu lăsau în Israel nici merinde, nici oi, nici boi, nici măgari. Căci se suiau împreună cu turmele şi corturile lor, soseau ca o mulţime de lăcuste, erau fără număr, ei şi cămilele lor, şi veneau în ţară ca s-o pustiască.”
Când sameni mult, dar toamna nu culegi
Amaleciții nu ucid, ei vin
E-o pildă ce-i lăsată în Scripturi,
Lingușitorii, zâmbitori senini
Și tu nu știi de unde, nu pricepi,
Apoi mai învățăm că Madian
Iar ei sunt prieteni: cel lingușitor
(Nu te-a ajuns nici o ispita dar
Căci tot ce mai ‘nainte ni s-a scris
Să știm atunci când câte-un Madian
Tu fugi de certăreț, și cazi naiv
Și-ți trece viața ca un sac de box
E-un teatru prost în care ești actor
Citește din judecători, din regi
Și nu uita ce Moise a spus,
Din neam în neam, din vremea lui Agag
Din pilde învățăm cum să luptăm,
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce
Easter - Choosing Your King
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Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce
Uploaded on Mar 27, 2010
EL A INVIAT O DATA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA!! Slavit sa fie in veci de veci! Daca e vreun motiv de sarbatoare ,acela e dat de BUCURIA INVIERII LUI ,nu dat de mesele pline de mancaruri si bauturii.FIE CA EL SA NE DEA LA TOTI O VIATA ADEVARATA PENTRU CARE SA-I MULTUMIM MEREU. Fiti binecuvantati de EL !
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Chip Ingram – De ce cred in inviere (subtitrare) Why I believe in the Resurrection
Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce
Chip Ingram recounts how his faith in the Jesus of the Bible was challenged in college, during his master’s and doctorate programs by getting hit with some very hard questions as to the historicity of Jesus as well as having his intellectual standing assailed. Ingram states: “So I started this journey and I’ve been on this journey for about 30 years. And the journey goes something like this: Is there intellectually feasible evidence to support a faith in the Jesus of the Bible, with His claims of deity, eternal life and absolute truth?”
This is video 1 of a 12 part series posted on Romanian television. The entire DVD set is available at Here is the description of the DVD set: What happens when we die? Can miracles be explained? Is there really a God? Answers to questions such as these are as varied as they are confusing, and spring from a plethora of mystical belief systems. But the fact is, we can know the truth. There are solid, logical answers to satisfy the heart and mind of those who are seeking. If you or someone you know has genuine questions about issues at the core of human existence, this series is an excellent resource! Message titles include: Why I Believe in the Resurrection / Why I Believe in Life After Death / Why I Believe in the Bible / Why I Believe in Creation – Part 1 / Why I Believe in Creation – Part 2 / Why I Believe in the God of the Bible
Crestinii si ateii sunt de acord dintr-o privinta, principala chestiune este invierea. Credinta noastra este construita pe un Isus care a trait in timp si spatiu. Manuscriptele biblice, cantitatea lor si calitatea, atat din punct de vedere secular, cat si din punct de vedere a savantilor religiosi; avem 25,000 de documente Nou Testamentare care autentifica realitatea/existenta lui Isus Hristos. Biblia nu este doar o formula despre cum sa-ti traiesti viata. Potrivit lui Isus, sunt cuvintele adevarate a lui Dumnezeu, cuvintele adevarate ale vietii pe care Dumnezeu vrea sa le ai.
Vei accepta sau vei respinge dovezile?
Chip Ingram povesteste citindu-l pe Francis Schaeffer, si studiind si absolvind Universitatea de West Virginia, unde a scris lucrarea de licenta despre bazele intelectuale ale eticii, pe care a inceput sa le aprofundeze. Spune Ingram: In sesiunea de masterat si de doctorat m-au bombardat cu intrebari dificile. Asa ca am inceput aceasta aprofundare de peste 30 de ani. Cercetarea suna cam asa: Exista dovezi intelectuale care sa sustina credinta intr-un Isus din Biblie si afirmatiile Sale despre divinitatea Sa, despre viata eterna si adevarul absolut? Acum, dupa 30 de ani doresc sa raspund prin ceia ce am invatat.”
Published on Oct 5, 2012 by alfaomegatv
Acest seminar este primul dintr-o serie mai larga De ce cred – o puteti cumpara pe DVD de aici:—chi…
Seminar Biblic - Chip Ingram - De ce cred? De ce cred in inviere - sem1, partea 1
Reblogged from rodi
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce
April 4
I want to know Christ – yes, to know the power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death. (Philippians 3:10 NIV)
Do recognize that the Cross is the end of the risen life, and not only the beginning. If you forget everything else, remember that. The Cross is the end of the risen life, as well as the beginning: “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, becoming conformed unto His death.”People have been to me with Philippians 3 and have asked: “Why did Paul put death at the end? Surely it ought to be right the other way round – ‘That I may be conformed to His death, and know Him in the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings.'” No, there is no mistake. The order is of the Holy Spirit. The power of His resurrection presupposes that there has been a death, but the very resurrection-life leads to the Cross. The Holy Spirit in the power of the risen life is always leading you back to the Cross, to conformity to His death. It is the very property of Life to rule out all that belongs to death. It is the very power of resurrection to bring us back to the place where death is constantly overcome.
That place is none other than the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ where the natural life is put aside. So Paul says: “…becoming conformed unto His death,” which means: to have the ground of death continuously and progressively removed; and that, again, as we have said, is the fruit of living union with Him. It would be a poor look-out for you and for me were we to be conformed to His death in entirety apart from the power of resurrection in us, apart from our already knowing the Life of the Lord. Where would be our hope? What is it that is the power of our survival when the Cross is made more real in our experience? There would be no survival were it not that His risen Life is in us. So Paul prays: “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection…” and that means conformity to His death without utter destruction. The end of the risen life is the Cross. The Holy Spirit is always working in relation to the Cross, in order that the power of His resurrection may be increasingly manifested in us.
By T. Austin-Sparks from: The Battle For Life – Chapter 3
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Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce
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Question: "On what day was Jesus crucified?"
Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce
E vineri – Isus se roaga
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It's Friday... But Sunday's a Coming
This is S. M. Lockridge (1913-2000). He was a prominent African-American preacher known for his dynamic, passionate, and fervent sermons. His most famous sermon was “He’s my King.”
E Vineri… dar, VINE DUMINICA !!!!
E vineri – Isus se roaga
Petru a adormit, Iuda tradeaza
Dar Duminica vine!
E vineri – Pilat e zbuciumat
Consiliul comploteaza, multimea defaima
Ei nici macar nu stiu ca vine Duminica!
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Dar ei nu stiu ca Duminica vine!
E vineri – Romanii lovesc in Isus al meu
L-au imbracat in purpura, L-au incoronat cu spini
Dar ei nu stiu ca Duminica vine!
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Sangele ii curge suvoi, trupul i se poticneste si sufletul ii arde
Dar vedeti, e doar vineri! Duminica vine!
E vineri – Lumea invinge, oamenii pacatuiesc, Diavolul ranjeste
E vineri – Soldatii bat cuie in mainile Salvatorului meu pe cruce
Bat cuie in picioarele Salvatorului meu pe cruce si apoi il ridica langa criminali.
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Fariseii sarbatoresc ca aceasta crima a fost indeplinita
Dar ei nu stiu ca e doar vineri. Duminca e aproape!
E vineri – El atarna pe cruce strigand iertare catre Tatal Sau
Lasat singur si pe moarte, nu-L poate salva nimeni?
E vineri, dar Duminica vine!
E vineri – Pamantul se cutremura, cerul se intuneca
Regele meu isi inalta sufletul
E vineri, speranta e pierduta, moartea a invins
Pacatul a biruit si Satan e doar ranjet
E vineri – Isus e ingropat. Soldatii stau de paza
si o piatra e pusa deasupra mormantului
Dar e vineri, doar vineri
Duminica soseste!
Ioan 11:25 – Isus i -a zis: ,,Eu sînt învierea şi viaţa. Cine crede în Mine, chiar dacă ar fi murit, va trăi.
Translation in Romanian from
Question: "On what day was Jesus crucified?"
Answer:The Bible does not explicitly state on which day of the week Jesus was crucified. The two most widely held views are Friday and Wednesday. Some, however, using a synthesis of both the Friday and Wednesday arguments, argue for Thursday as the day.Jesus said inMatthew 12:40, “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Those who argue for a Friday crucifixion say that there is still avalidway in which He could have been considered in the grave for three days. In the Jewish mind of the first century, a part of day was considered as a full day. Since Jesus was in the grave for part of Friday, all of Saturday, and part of Sunday—He could be considered to have been in the grave for three days. One of the principal arguments for Friday is found inMark 15:42, which notes that Jesus was crucified “the day before the Sabbath.” If that was the weekly Sabbath, i.e. Saturday, then that fact leads to a Friday crucifixion. Another argument for Friday says that verses such asMatthew 16:21andLuke 9:22teach that Jesus would rise on the third day; therefore, He would not need to be in the grave a full three days and nights. But while some translations use “on the third day” for these verses, not all do, and not everyone agrees that “on the third day” is the best way to translate these verses. Furthermore,Mark 8:31says that Jesus will be raised “after” three days.The Thursday argument expands on the Friday view and argues mainly that there are too many events (some count as many as twenty) happening between Christ's burial and Sunday morning to occur from Friday evening to Sunday morning. Proponents of the Thursday view point out that this is especially a problem when the only full day between Friday and Sunday was Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath. An extra day or two eliminates that problem. The Thursday advocates could reason thus: suppose you haven't seen a friend since Monday evening. The next time you see him it is Thursday morning and you say, “I haven’t seen you in three days” even though it had technically only been 60 hours (2.5 days). If Jesus was crucified on Thursday, this example shows how it could be considered three days.The Wednesday opinion states that there were two Sabbaths that week. After the first one (the one that occurred on the evening of the crucifixion [Mark 15:42;Luke 23:52-54]), the women purchased spices—note that they made theirpurchaseafter the Sabbath (Mark 16:1). The Wednesday view holds that this “Sabbath” was the Passover (seeLeviticus 16:29-31,23:24-32,39, where high holy days that are not necessarily the seventh day of the week are referred to as the Sabbath). The second Sabbath that week was the normal weekly Sabbath. Note that inLuke 23:56, the women who had purchased spices after the first Sabbath returned and prepared the spices, then “rested on the Sabbath.” The argument states that they could not purchase the spices after the Sabbath, yet prepare those spices before the Sabbath—unless there were two Sabbaths. With the two-Sabbath view, if Christ was crucified on Thursday, then the high holy Sabbath (the Passover) would have begun Thursday at sundown and ended at Friday sundown—at the beginning of the weekly Sabbath or Saturday. Purchasing the spices after the first Sabbath (Passover) would have meant they purchased them on Saturday and were breaking the Sabbath.Therefore, according to the Wednesday viewpoint, the only explanation that does not violate thebiblical accountof the women and the spices and holds to a literal understanding ofMatthew 12:40, is that Christ was crucified on Wednesday. The Sabbath that was a high holy day (Passover) occurred on Thursday, the women purchased spices (after that) on Friday and returned and prepared the spices on the same day, they rested on Saturday which was the weekly Sabbath, then brought the spices to the tomb early Sunday. Jesus was buried near sundown on Wednesday, which began Thursday in theJewish calendar. Using a Jewish calendar, you have Thursday night (night one), Thursday day (day one), Friday night (night two), Friday day (day two), Saturday night (night three), Saturday day (day three). We do not know exactly what time He rose, but we do know that it was before sunrise on Sunday. He could have risen as early as just after sunset Saturday evening, which began the first day of the week to the Jews. The discovery of the empty tomb was made just at sunrise (Mark 16:2), before it was fully light (John 20:1).A possible problem with the Wednesday view is that the disciples who walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus did so on “the same day” of His resurrection (Luke 24:13). The disciples, who do not recognize Jesus, tell Him of Jesus' crucifixion (24:21) and say that “today is the third day since these things happened” (24:22). Wednesday to Sunday is four days. A possible explanation is that they may have been counting since Wednesday evening at Christ's burial, which begins the Jewish Thursday, and Thursday to Sunday could be counted as three days.In the grand scheme of things, it is not all that important to know what day of the week Christ was crucified. If it were very important, then God's Word would have clearly communicated the day and timeframe. What is important is that He did die and that He physically, bodily rose from the dead. What is equally important is the reason He died—to take the punishment that all sinners deserve.John 3:16and3:36both proclaim that putting your trust in Him results in eternal life! This is equally true whether He was crucified on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.Recommended Resources:The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary HabermasandLogos Bible Software.
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