
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The uncreated Light-Lumina necreata-F. B. Hole

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

The uncreated Light

    In 1 John 1.5 he begins his message. Where does he start? With this great fact that “God is Light” and not, as we might expected, with the fact that God is love. All the emphasis would no doubt have been on His love had the manifestation been made in regions of unsullied purity and light. As however the manifestation has been made in this world, so filthy with sin and full of darkness, the first emphasis must be laid on light.

    As to light – who can define it? Men have formulated theories to account for the light of creation, but they cannot really explain it. Who then shall explain the uncreated Light? We know that light is necessary if life is to exist in any but its lowest forms. We know that it is healthful, that it illuminates and exposes all things, and that if it enters darkness flees. In God there is no darkness at all, for darkness stands for that which is removed from the action of light, that which is hidden and sinful.

    Not only is God Himself light but, as verse 7 tells us, He is “in the light.” Once the Lord had said, “that He would dwell in the tick darkness” (2 Chron. 6.1); and the fact that Solomon built Him an house did not alter it, for His presence was still found in the Holy of Holies, where all was dark. This was altered by the coming of the Lord Jesus, for God stepped into the light in Him. The God who is light is now in the light F. B. Hole

Lumina necreata
    In 1 Ioan 1.5 el incepe mesajul. Cu ce incepe? Cu faptul extrem de impotant ca "Dumnezeu este Lumina'  si nu, cum ar fi fost de asteptat, ca Dumnezeu este dragoste. S-ar fi pus accent numai pe dragostea Lui, daca manifestarea ar fi fost acolo unde nu ar fi nimic intinat si totul in lumina. Dar, cum aceasta manifestare este in lumea atat de mult intinata prin pacat si plina de intuneric, se pune accent in primul rand pe lumina.
    Si, daca este vorba de lumina, cine o poate defini? Oamenii au formulat teorii cu privire la lumina din creatie, dar nu prea o pot explica.Cine ar putea atunci explica Lumina necreata? Stim ca lumina este necesara pentru existenta vietii, cu exceptia celor mai inferioare forme de viata. Stim ca lumina este sanatoasa, ca ea face vizibile toate lucrurile si ca ea risipeste intunericul. In Dumnezeu nu este pic de intuneric, deoarece intunericul este ceea ce lumina inlatura, prin prezenta ei, ceea ce este scuns si pacatos.
    Nu numai ca Dumnezeu Insusi este lumina, ci, dupa cum ne spune versetul 7, El este "in lumina." Odinioara Domnul a spus ca "va locui in intuneric gros" (2 Cron. 6.1) si faptul ca Solomon I-a construit o casa nu schimba acel lucru, deoarece prezenta Lui se afla in Sfanta Sfintelor, unde era intuneric. Aceasta s-a schimbat la venirea Domnului Isus, deoarece Dumnezeu a venit in lumina prin El. Dumnezeu care este Lumina este acum in lumina.

 Received from  brother Horia Azimioara

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