
Thursday, September 25, 2014

PAUL WILBUR-“Rosh Hashanah”(Festival of Trumpets 2014)with Asher Intrater, Don Heist HD

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce


‪First Friday “Rosh Hashanah” with Paul Wilbur, Asher Intrater, Don Heist HD (09-05-14)‬

Published on Sep 10, 2014
The First Friday service of each month at Celebration Church is a Messianic service, which is an effective outreach to the Jewish community in our area. This service is held on the first Friday of each month at 7:30pm at the Celebration Arena and includes dynamic Messianic worship alongside strong biblical teaching centered on the Jewish roots of our faith.
The service is Jewish in form in that we light shabbat candles, read from the Torah in Hebrew, close the service with the Aaronic Blessing in Hebrew and worship with songs that are Messianic in flair and lyric. Both Jews and Christians will feel at home during this service and encounter the God of Israel in a new way.
Learn More at Wilbur Ministries…
 L’ Shanah Tova 5775. May each of the believers in Yeshua Ha Mashiach in the USA take this time to reflect on their lives. ADONAI wants to see revival among His children. But it will only come when we first repent of whatever sins that have kept us from fellowship with Him. Fasting and prayer are needed. And, as we see world events unfold, especially the advancement of Islamic Shariah Law, this will a time of testing and perhaps persecution. Revival often comes from testing and persecution. Let us draw close to ADONAI and He will draw close to us. And let us be a testimony for ADONAI to the unsaved world.
These are the days of Elijah.
Shana Tov…..This #RoshHashanah has a special meaning as the Day of Yeshua draweth nigh. Here, the premier Messianic worship leader Paul Wilbur shares what it is all about and its relation to Christ #Jesus the #King of the Universe…also get some unique Shofar blasts about 10 minutes into the video which was just recently done:

Days Of Elijah By Paul Wilbur

Published on Sep 7, 2014

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