
Monday, June 18, 2018


Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit.- Samuel Wilberforce

Father’s Love


Today is Father’s Day. The greatest need in our society today is for fathers who will rise up and assume their God-given role of responsibility in the family. Our text gives basic responsibilities for manhood; but when a man becomes a father, those responsibilities are expanded. Let’s look. Read Ephesian 6:1-4

 1. A godly father loves God

I try to spend as much time as possible with God and my family. That’s more important than anything … (Albert Pujols)
A. The basis upon which happiness is built and priorities of relationship. 
But seek ye first the Kingdome of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto 
you.( Matthew 6:33)
B. If you do not have a right relationship with God, it is impossible to think you can relate properly to others.
C. If you are running from God you will never have peace. Settle that matter first of all, 
There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.(Isaiah 57:2)

2. A godly father loves his wife

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. (Henry Ward Beecher)
A. Most husbands assume love is sex. While that certainly is a part of love, it is not all, 
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for it: (Ephesians 5:25-33 ). 
Real love seeks to meet all the needs of another person.( 1 Corinthians 13:1-13) for a definition of real love.
B. Romantic actions are not an abandonment of your manliness. Open the car door, pull out her chair at dinner, hold her hand and help make the beds, rinse out the tub when you’re finished, the list is endless.
C. Your sons are learning from you how to treat their wives. One day they will treat their wives the same way you treat 
their mother.

3. A godly father loves his children

There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child. (Henry Ward Beecher)
A. Love is more than provision for material things. Don’t miss your children’s childhood; there is no second chance at childhood.
B. When discipline is required, do it in love, (Colossians 3:21). Don’t beat them up out of anger.
C. Children interpret time spent with them as love. Forget “quality time” vs. “quantity time”

4. A godly father is a man of integrity

God is the archetypal Father; all other fatherhood is a more or less imperfect copy of his perfect fatherhood. (F.F. Bruce)
A. “. . . to do justly . . . walk uprightly. . .” “Integrity” has become almost a forgotten word. The highest elected office in our land is tainted with the smell of corruption and a liar.
B. We are called to rise above that and be men of integrity.
C. It should permeate every area of our lives. In the workplace; an honest day’s toil, in the home; fulfilled promises, in personal business; prompt payment of obligations, in other relationships; commitment to fulfill my commitments.

5. A godly father is a role model of God

Train up a child in the way he should go – but be sure you go that way yourself. (Charles Spurgeon)
A. The image of a father nowadays is not always a good one. Over half the children in America grow up without a father in the home. Often abandoned by their father or the father is maligned.
B. Sexual abuse by the father is on the rise. Then, we tell children that God is their Heavenly Father!
C. Small wonder that they are afraid of Him. God help us! Dad, you are shaping your child’s concept of his/her Heavenly Father. They see him as you.


The Word of God is challenging you to be a godly father today! Will you be a godly father to your children? We have best example of the father our Heavenly God who loves us so much who gave one and Only Son for us on the Cross, John 3:16 tells us. His Death gives us life but not just a life but eternal life.
John Griffith, the Bridge Operator at Mississippi River (1929-1937) 
that is an amazing story of Father’s Lord .

Anwar Ze Shan

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