
Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

“I am the good Shepherd”

Who among us is qualified to frame estimates of His excellencies that are eternal, or to appraise the value of His virtues? The Gospels give us glimpse of the sweetness of His sympathy, as He wept with the sorrowing; the kindness of His care, as He sought the lost sheep; the tenderness of His touch, as He raised the widow of Nain’s son; and the gentleness of His grace, as He stood still in answer to the plea of a blind beggar at Jericho; but how little a portion is known of Him (Job 26.14).

When our Lord linked the “I am” title to His claim by saying, “I am the good Shepherd,” He was declaring Himself to be the continuous one continually, the One who always will be. This feature bespeaks His omnipresence. His knowledge of the names of all stars (Isa. 40.26), as the Shepherd of the same (Isa. 40.11,27),and of all His sheep, which is twice affirmed (John 10.3,14), constitutes a witness to His complete comprehension and betokens His omniscience. His statement concerning the security of His hand and of His Father, attests His omnipotence.

This threefold cord of His omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence overwhelmingly assure guidance, sustenance, and maintenance for His sheep everlastingly. He Himself said, “They shall never perish” (John 10.28).

C. J. Rolls

“Eu sunt Pastorul Cel Bun”

    Care dintre noi are capacitatea de a masura calitatile Lui eterne sau a aprecia virtutile Lui? Evangheliile ne ofera cate o privire fugara asupra compasiunii Lui atunci cand a plans cu durere; asupra bunatatii cu care El Se ingrijeste atunci cand cauta oaia pierduta; asupra tandretei atingerii Sale cand l-a inviat pe fiul vaduvei din Nain; si a bunavointei harului Sau cand El S-a oprit ca raspuns la cererea orbului cersetor de la Ierihon Dar despre El cunoastem o atat de mica parte! (Iov 26.14).

    Cand Domnul nostru a asociat titlul Sau de “Eu sunt” cu “Pastorul Cel Bun,” El Se declara a fi Acelasi etern pentru eternitate. Aceasta trasatura ne spune despre omniprezenta Lui, cum El cunoaste pe nume toate stelele (Isaia 40.26), cum El este Pastorul lor (Isaia 40. 11,27) si al tuturor oilor Sale, despre care avem in doua randuri afirmat (Ioan 10.3,14), iar faptul acesta constituie o marturie a omniscientei Sale. Declaratia Lui cu privire la siguranta pe care o confera mana Sa si aceea a Tatalui atesta omnipotenta Lui.

    Aceasta funie din trei fire: omniprezenta, omniscienta si omnipotenta asigura indrumare, mijloace de subzistenta si sustin pentru totdeauna oile Sale. El Insusi a spus: “Nu vor pieri, niciodata” (Ioan 10.28).

C. J. Rolls Traducere de fr Horia Azimioara.

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