
Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

In our text the meaing is different, however. The English word ‘rapture’ is derived from the Latin rapere, meaning to seize. It corresponds to the Greek verb harpanzo, which Paul uses here, and which expresses suddenness and violence, as when the centurion ordered his troops to take Paul by force in order to rescue him from possible lynching. (Acts 23:10) Just so those still alive at the Parousia will be ‘swept up’ (JBP) or ‘snatched up’ (Best, pp. 180, 197-199) together with them in th clouds. The parallel between versus 15b and verses 17 is impressive. According to verses 15b ‘we who are still alive, sho are left…’ will not precede the Christian dead. According to verse 17 ‘we who are still alive and are left’ will be caught up together with them. The negative and positive statements dovetail. So far from forestalling them, we shall join them. The purpose of this violent action (whose agency is not identified) will be not only to unite the Christian living with the Christian dead (together with them), but also to unite them with Christ (to meet the Lord). Once more Paul’s concern is revealed, namely that the living, the dead and the Lord will be together. The truth that the redeemed with meet the Lord is expressed by another technical term (apantesis). ‘When a gifnitary paid an official visit (parousia) to a city in Hellenistic times, the action of the leading citizens in going out to meet him and escort him back on the final stage of his journey was called the apantesis.’ (Bruce, p. 102) 
Many details of this heavenly ‘meeting’ are omitted. For example, there is no reference in verse 17 to the Christian living being ‘changed’ (as in 1 Cor. 15:51-52), any more than there was in verse 14 to the Christian dead being ‘raised’. Both are assumed. Further, it is not clear how literally we are to understand our being caught up…in the clouds. We know from Jesus himself that his coming will be personal, visible and glorious, but we also know from him that it will not be local (‘There he is!’ ‘Here he is!’) but universal (‘like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other’) (Lk. 17:23-24). Presumably, therefore, our going to meet him will also transcend space. As for the ‘the clouds’, they are to every Bible reader a familiar and easily recognized symbol of the immediate presence of God – a the Exodus(Ex. 13:21; 14:19), on Mount Sinai(Ex. 19:16; 24:15), filling the tabernacle(Ex. 40:34-35), during the wilderness wanderings(Ex. 40:36-3, at the transfiguration of Jesus(Mk. 9:7), at his ascension(Acts 1:9), and at his glorious appearing (Dn. 7:13; Mk. 13:26; 14:62; Rev. 1:7). The reference to ‘the air’ may be equally symbolic, for it was thought of as the dwelling-place of the devil and his demons (Cf.Eph. 2:2). ‘The fact that the Lord chooses to meet his saints there, on the demons’ home ground so to speak, shows something of his complete mastery over them’(Morris, NICNT, p.146) 

The last time the church is spoken of and the word itself even used is in the beginning of Revelation it is never spoken of again, only Israel and the Nations are spoken of, why? because the Church is gone….caught up! having met the Lord in the air 
Bobby Stott says as He thinks, just as we all do i will finish with words from an old hymn 
Christ Returneth 
It may be at morn, when the day is awaking 
When sunlight thro’ darkness and shadow is breaking, 
That Jesus will come in the fullness of glory, 
To receive from the world “His own”. 
O Lord Jesus, how long? 
How long ere we shout the glad song? 
Christ returneth, Hallelujah! 
Hallelujah! Amen, 
Hallelujah! Amen 
It may be at midday, it may be at twilight, 
It may be, perchance, that the blackness Of midnight 
Will burst into light in the blaze of His glory, 
When Jesus receives “His own”. 
While hosts cry Hosanna, from heaven descending 
With glorified saints and the angels attend 
With grace on His brow, like a halo of glory, 
Will Jesus receive “His own”. 
Oh, joy! Oh delight! should we go without dying’ 
No sickness, no sadness, no dread and no crying; 
Caught up through the clouds with our Lord into glory, 
When Jesus receives “His own”
 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 
Titus 2;13

Ce ne spune Biblia despre cea de a doua venire a Domnului Isus ?

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