
Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce


Dear Family and Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
My name is Horen Brasov.  I send warm greetings from Garden Grove, California.
By the Grace of our Lord, Brother Serban Constantinescu was used as a holy instrument by the Lord, to lead me to accept Lord Jesus like personal Savior and Lord on Sunday April 15, 1956 at 1pm in the attic of the Carol Davila assembly in Bucharest Romania after the children’s church meeting. (Adunarea de Copii)
After my conversion, I had the privilege to be actively involved in the Children ministry at this same location.  Brother. Serban helped me in many ways to continue this ministry for 20+ years, many of those together with the precious backing of his father, Domnul Emil Constantinescu.   For the last sixty years, on the anniversary of my spiritual birth, I’ve enjoyed a chance to contact him and remind him of the investment he made and give praise to God for the blessing of Brother. Serban’s efforts.   My last contact with him this year was on April 15 of this year.  
Brother Serban is among the 2nd generation of Christians in Romania, as his parents were among the pioneers of the Christian Bretheren movement. 
I remember brother Serban and his sincere faith, which first was shown to me in his mother Doamna Tita and in his father Domnul Emil, and is also in his wife,  Doamna Ancuta.   I am sure that you, his children and grandchildren now carry this flame of the gift of God that is extended to each of you. 
I send my warm greetings to each one of you, dear children of Domnul Serban Constantienscu.  Sarutmana Doamnei Ancuta Constantinescu and Doamnei Lidie Nan.  I send my acknowledgments and appreciation to his daughter, Ileana and grandson, Matei, who took care of brother. Serban in his last days.
Beside me and my family, are many brothers and sisters from the Romanian Bretheren assembly from Fullerton California  who remember brother. Serban fondly and send our greetings and condolences.  We pray that the Lord will comfort and sustain you in this trial.  We greet the brethren at Believers Chapel of Dallas Texas who have been family and support to our dear ones there for over a quarter century.  To God be the Glory.   
We know that he is now with the Lord and more alive than ever.  He is now worshipping the Lamb, face to face.
With love from above,
Horen and Virginia Brasov.  

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