
Saturday, October 31, 2015


Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce


October 31, 2015


Seducing Spirits


“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” (1 Timothy 4:1)


This very cogent warning by the Holy Spirit, spoken “expressly” (or “with special clarity”) for those living in the latter days, predicts an unusual outbreak of seductive demonism—not just in pagan, idol-worshipping, or animistic cultures, but in “Christian” nations, where they can lead many to “depart from the faith” which their forefathers once professed. Christians, therefore, should not be taken by surprise at the vast eruption of witchcraft, New Age mysticism, Eastern occultism, rock-music demonism, drug-induced fantasies, altered states of consciousness, and even overt Satan-worshipping cults that have suddenly proliferated in our supposedly scientific and naturalistic society. Behind it all are the “seducing spirits” and “the rulers of the darkness of this world” (Ephesians 6:12).

 It should be obvious that Christians must completely avoid all such beliefs and practices. “I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils” (1 Corinthians 10:20). “Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing” (2 Corinthians 6:17)

. Even “innocent” fun (Halloween parties, ouija boards, dungeons-and-dragons games, etc.) and well-intentioned (but many times superficial) exorcism of apparent demon possession by Christian workers have often led to dangerous demonic influences in the lives of Christian people, as well as in Christians who have sought supernatural experiences or revelations. In anything that even touches on occultism or demonic influence, the advice of Peter is relevant. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith” (1 Peter 5:8-9). HMM

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Friday, October 30, 2015

Nicolae Geantă – Coarnele Halloween-ului

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce


Nicolae Geantă – Coarnele Halloween-ului

Halloween-ul, ştiu cam toţi orăşenii şi sătenii acuş, e sărbătoarea aia irlandeză, în care unul Jack, umblă cu dovleacul bâjbâind prin întuneric. Se zice că Jack Zgârcitul, după ce a păcălit de două ori pe Scaraoţki, pe dracu cel mare, n-a mai încăput nici în iad nici în Rai. Şi Satana, i-a dat un dovleac în mână să umble haihui prin întuneric! Ciudată poveste. Cu final neînţeles. Pentru mine, pentru dvs…

 Paradoxul e că sărbătoarea dovleacului cu cap de mort bântuie România. De la profesori şi actori, politicieni şi educatoare de grădiniţă, până pe uliţele satelor din creierii munţilor, pruncii noştrii au învăţat să colinde cu dovleacul aprins. Adică în numele Satanei. Colindă ca de Crăciun, dar nu cu traiste de covrigi, şi nici cu vestea bună că s-a născut Mesia, ci îmbrăcaţi în haine de drac! Mascaţi, cu sânge fals pe obrajii lucioşi, cu coarne ca ăia răii – dar şi cu cruciuliţe la gât, cu cearşafuri albe peste trup – ca stafiile, bufniţe, vârcolaci, huhurezi sau vampiri, tinerii se dau malefici. Şi devin. Se cred Merlin, sau nu ştiu ce mama Omida. “Noi suntem vrăjitoare bune, dle profesor”, a strigat o “diavoliţă” de liceu ce venea spre mine cu… coasa (de carton, e drept). Nu ştiam că se poate şi vrăjitori buni. Adică şi draci cumsecade…

 Intrând la Diverta să-mi cumpăr o carte, am rămas uimit să constat că pe un raft, pe lângă prostioarele vrăjitorului Harry Potter erau şi manuale de magie, cartea neagră a vrăjitoriei, textele lui satana, şi alte chestiuni malefice. Cărţoaie groase de sute de mii sau milioane de lei vechi. Atenţie, pentru copii!!!

 La Târgovişte, am văzut într-o cofetărie tot felul de măşti, de coarne, de ochelari, de turbane şi nu mai ştiu ce aiureli, cică pentru haloween-ul copiilor.

La liceu, un prieten al meu – profesor de religie, n-a putut să estompeze distracţia dovleciştilor, deoarece o profesoară i-a sugerat să fie blând, “să nu distrugă de tot haloween-ul”. Mi-a spus la telefon că parcă publicul i-a disipat entuziasmul şi că a simţit o apăsare diabolică în timp ce vorbea.

Impinşi spre divertisment macabru – chiar de către profesori sau părinţi (?!), tinerii noştrii se joacă cu magia. Cu drăcia. Se cred vrăjitori şi se comportă ca ei. Dansează ca zombi (oameni fără suflet) şi spun Abracadabra la dovlecii cu limbi ascuţite de foc şi ochi de piraţi. Pentru ei horror e ceva delicios. Iar viaţa, succesul, cred că e ceva de hocus pocus… Faci o vrajă, baţi din baghetă şi vei fi the best! O să ai all inclusive!

 Am spus unor profesori (şi tuturor elevilor), că atunci când permiţi ca tinerii să se-mbrace în pisica neagră, în Dracula, în Necuratu’ sau vrăjitoarea din Albă ca Zăpada, nu mai poţi avea pretenţii să fie cuminţi la ore. Să fie corecţi, să fie morali. Să nu fure, să nu jefuiască, să nu violeze. Să nu ucidă cu sânge rece. Fiind o zi mici fantome, mici vampiri ori little dracula, pruncii îşi vor lua apoi rolurile în serios. Iar unii, şi le-au luat deja!

 O colegă de-a mea, profesoară de Istorie, mi-a spus la telefon, că în blocul ei umblă copii cu Haloween-ul. Troznesc, ţipă. scot sunete diabolice, fac ca stafiile, ca huhurezii. Amuzament cu dulceaţă de scârbă. Ceea ce mi-e teamă fraţilor, este ca nu cumva copiii din România să devină ca cei din America, unde în urma unei întrebări pe stradă “ce le-ar place cel mai mult să facă de Haloween?”, 85 % dintre ei au răspuns “să omorâm un om”! Mă tem, că dacă azi copiii colindă cu Haloween-ul prin blocuri, mâine la Ştirile de la ora 5, să n-azim că-n urma promenadei drăceşti, au murit părinţii sugrumaţi în case! Aşa, de… divertisment.

După colindul de Crăciun ajungi la ieslea Lui Isus Hristos, după bântuiala de Haloween ai şansa să ajungi în coarnele lu’ Satan.

 Fugi de dovleac! Dinţii săi fac răni ce nu se mai vindecă!

vineri, 30 octombrie2015


Pastor Ionel Tuţac – Cum sā contracarām Halloween-ul?

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce


Pastor Ionel Tuţac – Cum sā contracarām Halloween-ul?

În aceste zile toatā lumea scrie sau vorbeste despre Halloween. Unii sunt preocupati de istoria sārbātorii si de rāspândirea ei, altii sunt fascinati de costumele si de personajele ce isi fac simtitā prezenta in sarbatoare, în timp ce altii discutā despre efectele pe care aceasta le are asupra copiilor si tinerilor.

Din pācate prea putini sunt aceia care se gândesc cum sā contracareze expansiunea acestei sārbātori. Teama de a nu intra in conflict cu promotorii acestui eveniment sau de a nu strica distractia “nevinovata” de o zi a generatiei tinere ne determinā pe multi dintre noi sā tācem în astfel de situatii.

Am auzit nenumarate voci care afirmā:” Nu se poate ca o noapte de distractie, in care tinerii se uitā la filme horror sau se îmbracā în vrājitoare sau demoni, sā deturneze crestinul de la drumul care duce înspre cer!”

Si totusi, aceastā sārbātoare care pare, aparent, inofensiva, are efecte negative nebānuite asupra fiintei umane.

Ea îi învatā pe oameni sā celebreze rāul, ea îi împinge pe unii sā intre în mod inconstient sub influenta fortelor malefice sau sā-si punā capāt vietii.

Oare ce-ar trebui sā facā crestinii pentru a contracara acest fenomen? Ce-ar trebui sā le spunā pārintii copiilor lor? Ce ar trebui sā-i învete pāstorii pe membri bisericii? Este o întrebare pe care mi-am pus-o într-un mod repetat în aceste zile. Desi nu sunt un expert în analiza acestei sārbātori, as vrea sā ofer câteva sugestii practice pentru contracararea acestui fenomen.

  1. Sā afirmām originile malefice ale acestei sārbātori

Desi este o sārbātoare religioasā, Halloween nu este o sārbātoare crestinā. Originea ei se aflā în religiile pāgâne. Romanii celebrau Parentalia sau festivalul mortii, iar celtii organizau sārbātoarea zeului Samhaim, zeul mortii. În ambele sārbātori exista ideea cā spiritele malefice se întorc pe pāmânt sā viziteze si sā bântuie casele oamenilor. Pentru a nu supāra spiritul rāu, romanii si celtii organizau ceremonii religioase în care se aduceau ofrande. Halloween-ul este o sārbātoare a celebrārii fortelor întunerecului. Este un prilej de proslavire a zeului mortii, nu a Printului vietii. Acest adevār ar trebui sā-l stie orice crestin, chiar si cei care considerā cā sārbātoarea nu este decât un prilej de distractie. Vizionarea de filme horror, petrecerile satanice din cimitire, sacrificarea unor animale si stropirea cu sânge a participantilor la celebrārile satanice, purtarea de costume hidoase, oferirea de ofrande pentru sufletul mortilor, promovarea indecentei si a imoralitatii nu fac parte din crezul si conduita copiilor lui Dumnezeu. Cu riscul de a fi considerati bigoti, retrograzi, trebuie sa avem curajul de a afirma despre caracterul diabolical al acestei sārbātori.

  1. Sā explicām semnificatiile oculte ale acestei sārbātori

Când vorbim despre Halloween vorbim despre: fantome, schelete, demoni, costume hidoase, filme horror…dovleci. Întreaga sārbātoare este organizatā în jurul unor acestor elemente, iar personajul central este Diavolul. Sculptarea dovleacului si punerea unor lumânāri în interiorul lui are la bazā învātātura unei legende irlandeze. Jack-o-Lantern, alcoolicul hoinar ce nu a primit dreptul de a intra nici în cer, nici în iad, a primit din partea Satanei o luminā pe care o va introduce într-un nap scobit si astfel confectioneazā un felinar cu care poate hoināri în univers. Nu dovleacul, folosit de prin secolul al XVIII-lea în locul napului, este un obiect pācātos, ci învātātura gresita cā Diavolul poate oferi lumina. De asemenea obiceiul copiilor de a merge prin case spunând ” Trick or Treat” (Pācālealā sau Dulciuri) are la bazā practicile oculte ale celtilor de a cere animale în onoarea lui Samhaim. De generozitatea celor vizitati depindea bunāstarea materilā sau blestemul care se arunca asupra oamenilor. Practica aceasta conducea apoi la organizarea de petreceri satanice si la momente speciale de celebrare a rāului, prilej cu care hidosenia si imoralitatea erau promovate la rang de cinste. Unii vor spune cā Halloween înseamnā doar distractie si bunā dispozitie, dar Anton Szandor LaVey, pārintele modern al Bisericii Satanice îi contrazice. Vorbind despre aceastā sārbātoare el spunea:” Halloween este una din cele mai mari sārbātori din calendarul satanic”. Copiii nostri si sufletele pe care le pāstorim trebuie sā audā adevārul despre semnificatiile oculte ale acestui eveniment.

  1. Sā subliniem pericolele evidente ale acestei sārbātori

A spune cā Halloween înseamnā doar distractie, bunā dispozitie si relaxare înseamnā a trāi într-o mare eroare. Dincolo de aspectul comercial si distractiv, sārbātoarea are un puternic impact spiritual. Copiii nostri vor creste cu impresia cā legendele sunt mai importante decât realitatea, cā Diavolul este mai fascinant decât Hristos, cā celebrarea mortii este mai sugestiva decât celebrarea vietii. Participarea la astfel de sārbātori îi va conduce pe multi sā intre sub autoritatea demonilor, iar suicidul va deveni pentru unii tineri o alternativā mai grozavā decât viata. De obicei astfel de evenimente se terminā uneori în betii si orgii. Multi dintre participantii la astfel de evenimente îsi pierd curajul, optimismul si capacitatea de a învāta, lucru sesizat în ultimii ani de tot mai multi profesori. 

Halloween-ul a intrat treptat în ultimii ani în societatea româneascā, iar cei mai fascinati si afectati de acest fenomen sunt elevii si studentii nostri. Este datoria noastrā, a celor care suntem profesori si pastori, sā contracarām aceasta sārbātoare si sa le amintim, celor pe care îi pāstorim, cā Biblia, cartea noastrā de cāpātâi, interzice participarea copiilor lui Dumnezeu la astfel de evenimente (Levitic 19:31, Deuteronom 18:9-14, 2 Corinteni 6:14-17, Efeseni 5:11, 1 Timotei 4:1-2).

Ionel Tuţac

Publicat de Actualitatea Creștină la 18:47 


Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

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by Ron and Nathele Graham • October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015
Some things never change. God, for instance. “For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Malachi 3:6. In the New Testament we read “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.“Hebrews 13:8. God has always loved His creation and so He gives us rules to live by. God hasn’t changed and neither has His rules. Many things don’t seem harmful by human reasoning, but because God knows much more than we do He warns us not to participate in them. God doesn’t want to ruin our fun, but He wants to protect us. He knows that there’s an evil being who wants to destroy mankind. This evil being is known as Satan, the devil, Lucifer, and by many other names. God loves us, but Satan only hates. Satan is the one who tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and is also the one who was arrogant enough to try to tempt Jesus into sin. Satan is also at work today and he uses the same lies that he has always used.
Satan is a liar and two lies he uses to deceive many and open the door to his evil world is witchcraft and pharmakeia. He can make them look tempting, but they are a means of subduing your soul and allowing demons to take control. Horoscopes are just fun, right? Ouija boards are just parlor games and Yoga is just stretching exercises, right? Marijuana isn’t harmful, right? Wrong on all counts. These are witchcraft and pharmakeia and they are stepping stones into the evil supernatural world of the occult. It’s a short journey from these activities to demon possession, Wicca, and satanic worship. Drugs, aka pharmakeia, are a natural part of these activities used to open your mind to the arena of the supernatural. Vines Expository Dictionary defines “pharmakeia” (translated witchcraft and sorcery in the New Testament) as: “primarily signified as ‘the use of medicine, drugs, spells,’ then ‘poisoning,’ then ‘sorcery’. In ‘sorcery,’ the use of drugs, whether simple or potent, was generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers, with the provision of various charms, amulets, etc., professedly designed to keep the applicant or patient from the attention and power of demons, but actually to impress the applicant with the mysterious resources and powers of the sorcerer“. If that’s not bad enough, according to the non-canonized book of Enoch, it was the fallen angels who taught mankind to use drugs, and no matter how you feel about this book, drugs are evil. The use of drugs or any occult activity will open portals for demons to enter.
Throughout the Bible drugs/sorcery/witchcraft are equated with pagan cultures, sin, and Satan. Sorcerers are first mentioned when Moses and Aaron petitioned Pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery. Egypt was a demon worshipping nation with a god for everything. To show God’s power, Aaron threw down his rod before Pharaoh and it turned into a serpent. “Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments” Exodus 7:11. Satan comes with all signs and lying wonders. He can duplicate some of what God can do, but Satan’s works are shabby and designed for confusion. “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1. Just because something looks miraculous doesn’t mean it’s from God. The wise men, sorcerers, and magicians in the above verse are all associated with occult practices.
Along with other sins, sorcery is listed many times in the Bible as something we should not participate in. God’s judgment will come upon those who practice this sin, as well as others that many purported Christians participate in. “And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts.” Malachi 3:5. God promises judgment against those who sin against Him, which includes those who practice sorcery.
This wasn’t just an Old Testament warning. In his letter to the Galatians Paul warned them not to give in to the works of the flesh. “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envying, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21. That’s quite a list. You might want to check it twice to be sure you aren’t participating in any of these works of the flesh. The word “witchcraft” comes from the Greek word “pharmakeia” which, according to Strong’s concordance, means: “the use or administering of drugs, poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it”. Since the 1960’s the use of mind-altering drugs has sharply increased and so has participation in the rest of the activities in the above list. As the use of mind-altering drugs becomes more widespread we see satanic rituals and practices becoming more open. Cannibalism, mass murder, child abuse, child sacrifice (abortion), and other heinous crimes are on the rise. The word “pharmakeia” only occurs two other times in the New Testament (Revelation 9:21 and Revelation 18:23), and the root word “pharmakeus”, which means “one who prepares or uses magical remedies; a sorcerer”, is only used once (Revelation 21:8). It seems ominous that these Scriptures refer to those who are left on earth after the Rapture and they are headed for the Lake of Fire. It’s clear that Satan’s lies encourage drug use and witchcraft; they need to be shunned by Christians. As these activities become commonplace, other sins become “acceptable”. Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, disrespecting parents, and dishonoring God have become a way of life for many people, even those who say they follow Christ. Satan is quite adept at fogging our minds so we can’t see truth; he makes the ugliest things seem beautiful.
Friends, the supernatural is real, both God’s pure love and Satan’s pure evil. Halloween is swiftly approaching and it is a very important day on the satanic calendar. Many people, Christians as well as the unsaved, find it fun to dress up in hideous costumes that identify with Satan. If you are a Christian, why would you even consider donning a witch costume, a zombie costume, or any other costume that glorifies pure evil? As a Christian your desire should be to identify yourself with Jesus Christ who gave His life to purchase your salvation, not with Satan. What has Satan ever done for you? He has only caused you pain. We live in a physical world, but our fight is supernatural. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12. Demons are real and witchcraft and pharmakeia have helped to open the way for them to get a foothold in this physical world. It takes very little research to understand that the “principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world” are running wild. God is also real. It was His supernatural power that parted the Red Sea, caused the walls of Jericho to fall, gave us prophecy, healed the sick, raised the dead, allowed Him to walk on water and to enter locked rooms. Instead of giving Satan power in your life by defying God, turn to our Lord Jesus Christ and Satan will have no power over you.
God has not left us defenseless. Christians are sealed with the Holy Spirit and His power is available to us. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but might through God;) casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; and having in readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. We have a choice as to whether we honor Christ or side with Satan. If you study your Bible you will be able to discern how to honor our Lord and eschew evil. Study Scripture and apply it to your life. When tempted to sin, turn to God in prayer. He can change your heart if you let Him. The nearer you draw to Him the more you will be offended by those who chase after witchcraft, sorcery, pharmakeia, or any other work of the flesh that is practiced in defiance of God Almighty.
While most children just like to dress up and go door to door asking for candy, there is a very real occult side to Halloween. Many congregations have a “harvest party” in order to draw children away from the pagan side of Halloween. You need to be sure, though, that you don’t allow the satanic practices to enter. “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” 1 Corinthians6:12. Brethren, be careful. There is freedom in Christ, but there is also responsibility. If you love Jesus then celebrate Him rather than witchcraft and pharmakeia, sorcery and drugs, Satan and demons. Take every thought captive and reject all forms of witchcraft and drug use. What may seem like innocent fun is, in reality, playing with fire…possibly playing with the eternal lake of fire.
Very soon our Lord will call us Home. The Rapture should be on the heart of every Christian and our life should be a living witness for Jesus. As we read the Book of Revelation we see that prior to the wrath of God coming upon the earth (Daniel’s 70th week), Christians are called to “Come up hither”. “After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.” Revelation 4:1-2. The call to “come up hither” and the “door opened in heaven” are the Rapture. John is then before the throne of God. In subsequent chapters, John describes the horrors that those who have not accepted Christ as their Saviour will face. Some will come to faith in Jesus during this time of Great Tribulation, and many of those will be martyred. Most people who will face this time will be so rebellious that they will continue in sin. “And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, and they should not worship devils, and idols of gold and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.” Revelation 9:20-21. You don’t want to be among these people. If you have not accepted Christ as your Saviour, then swallow your pride and come to Him now.
The tricks of Satan are not treats. The love of God is eternal. Jesus loves you, Satan hates you. Who do you celebrate?
God bless you all,
Nathele Graham
Ron Graham’s previous commentaries archived at
All original scripture is “theopneustos” God breathed.

TAKE TIME TO BE HOLY October 22, 2015 Life can get hectic. People work fulltime and still manage to attend their son’s little league game, their daughter’s piano recital, doctor appointments, shopping, and then there’s that pesky trip to…

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce


Ascensiunea satanismului în America

E joia dinainte de Halloween, sarbatoarea duhurilor necurate. Sambata, 31 octombrie, in diferite parti ale lumii multi oameni se vor distra pe seama satanei si a duhurilor lui necurate, iar unii dintre ei i se vor inchina. Vor spune ca e o distractie inofensiva. Altii, insa, vor lua sarbatoarea duhurilor necurate mai in serios. Unii vor participa la ritualuri satanice nocturne, la sacrificarea de animale ori incendii, iar altii la incantatii ori ritualuri vrajitoresti. Satanismul e un fenomen in ascensiune in zilele noastre. Ia amploare. Influenteaza copiii, tinerii, profitul, spre bine, al companiilor care se profileaza pe promovarea ocultului, si, in general, pe toti cei fara minte. Pe cei neancorati in Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu, dezradacinati din invataturile sanatoase, si pe cei carre refuza sa creada ca exista satana ori duhuri necurate. Din nefericire, chiar si unii dintre noi au incetat sa mai creada in existenta reala a duhurilor necurate ori a satanei. Biblia ne spune de repetate ori si categoric ca exista un diavol, ingeri ai intunerecului, si duhuri necurate. Parca ne departam de aceste avertizari, si, intr-o oarecare masura, e de inteles, fiindca satana orbeste.

In ultimele decenii oamenii au fost marcarti de multele filmele oculte care au inundat cinematografelor. Ecranele cinematografelor au imblinzit duhurile necurate. Daca pina recent duhurile necurate erau portretizate doar in filme de groaza, in ultimii ani cinematografele au imblinzit duhurile necurate. Ele nu mai ingrozesc ci fascineaza. Intriga. Filmele au transformat duhurile necurate in magie, in fantezii asa zise inocente, fara sa isi dea seama ca in spatele acestor productii se afla un diavol real si duhuri necurate reale. Fie ca e vorba de Merlin, Hobbitt, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings si alte productii cinematografice asemenatoare, suntem invitati sa acceptam ca nu exista duhuri necurate ci doar magii inocente care nu vatama. In Marea Britanie cultul si magia deja s-au impamintenit in cultura britanica a oamenilor de rind. [Detalii:]

Amploarea satanismului e un subiect tot mai frecvent intilnit in mass media si despre el scriem deseori in  buletinele noastre informative care apar martia. Astazi scriem despre ascensiunea lui nemaipomenita in America.

Sondaje de opinie

Incepem cu sondajele de opinie. Unul facut de Barna Research Group in Statele Unite in 2011 indica ca 56% dintre respondenti nu credeau ca satana are o existenta reala ci ca e doar un simbol al rautatii. Un sondaj similar facut in 2009 indica ca doar 27% dintre americani credeau ca satana este o forta reala. Pe de alta parte, un sondaj din 2013 indica ca doar 60% dintre crestinii practicanti ai Americii credeau in existenta reala a diavolului, si 86% dintre neo-protestanti.

In decembrie 2014 satanistilor din Florida li s-a permis sa expuna in public, linga mesajele de craciun puse de crestini in fata primariei unui oras, tabloul “pogorirea satanei in iad”. Cu un an in urma, in decembrie 2013, cererea le-a fost respinsa deoarece tabloul e ofensiv si contravine moravurilor publice. Satanistii au angajat un avocat care a amenintat autoritatile cu actiune judecatoreasca, si, ca urmare, in decembrie 2014, cererea le-a fost aprobata.

Tot in decembrie 2014 satanistilor li s-a permis sa expuna simboluri satanice in fata primariei din Detroit, linga scena Nasterii lui Hristos.

Actiuni judecatoresti

Satanistii recurg la actiuni judecatoresti pentru a constrange autoritatile sa le recunoasca drepturi, printre ele acela de a-si manifesta actiunile si amplasa simbolurile in public. Din nefericire, castiga. In decembrie 2013 satanistii din Oklahoma au dat in instanta statul Oklahoma pentru a li se permite sa puna in cladirea parlamentului statuia satanei linga soclul cu cele 10 porunci plasat acolo in 2009 de catre crestini. De obicei, actiunile judecatoresti sataniste sunt initiate de Templul Satanei care isi are sediul la New York. Satanistii au cerut sa li se permita sa amplaseze in cladirea parlamentului o statuie de bronz de 3 metri a lui baphomet, un idol satanic cu cap de tap asezat pe un tron. Autoritatile statului au cedat presiunilor si au scos din incinta parlamentului cele 10 porunci, impiedicind, astfel, amplasare statuii satanei. Ca urmare, statuia lui baphomet a fost transportata si amplasata in Detroit, o stire care a facut inconjurul lumii, si a fost publicata si in Romania.

O problema cit se poate de delicata, insa, ii confrunta pe crestini. Satanistii profita de succesele crestinilor in instanta privind libertatea religioasa, si cer aceleasi drepturi pentru ei. De exemplu, in mai 2014, Tribunalul Suprem SUA a decis ca americanii pot sa-si continuie traditia de a incepe sesiunile si dezbaterile parlamentare ori oficiale cu rugaciune, asa cum au facut-o de sute de ani. Dupa doar doua zile, satanistii din Florida au cerut sa li se permita si lor sa rosteasca rugaciunile satanei simultan cu cele crestine la deschiderea sesiunilor publice municipale. Pina in prezent solicitarile lor au fost respinse.

Un caz similar  s-a petrecut tot in Florida, in septembrie 2014, cind un judecator a permis crestinilor sa distribuie un pamflet religios in scolile publice din stat. Imediat dupa aceea, Templul Satanei din New York a publicat o carte de colorat pentru copii, intitulata The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities (Cartea satanei pentru activitatile copiilor) si a cerut scolilor sa permita satanistilor sa distribuie cartea in scolile publice. Autoritatile scolare au refuzat cererea, dar in acelasi timp au interzis si crestinilor sa distribuie Biblii elevilor.

Satanism si vrajitorie

Fascinarea americanilor cu ocultul se reflecta si in cartile neobisnuite care s-au publicat in ultimii ani. In 2015 Diana Wagman a publicat Life #6, o carte despre mama ei vrajitoare. Mama Dianei invatase vrajitoria de la mama ei. Cartea lui Wagman descrie manifestarile oculte care se produceau in casa familei. Mama ii arata locurile din casa unde se aciuiau duhurile necurate. La inceput, Wagman nu le vedea, dar de la o vreme a inceput sa le simta miscarile prin casa. Mama avea si un altar in casa, inchinat satanei, unde facea ritualuri vrajitoresti. De la o vreme, Wagman a inceput ea insasi sa vada prin casa oameni pe care ii stia morti, dar care bintuiau prin casa. S-a speriat la inceput, dar apoi s-a obisnuti cu prezenta lor demonica. Mama Dianei a murit tinara. Diana isi aminteste ca din cind in cind bunica ei, moarta de zeci de ani, reaparea in casa familiei din Missouri. Cit despre ea, Wagman zice ca nu e vrajitoare, dar vrajitoria a fost mostenita de sora ei. [Un capitol al cartii lui Wagman poate fi cititaici:]

In 2013 America a fost confruntata cu un caz neobisnuit de satanism, acela a lui Latoya Ammons, o femeie de culoare din Indiana care pretindea ca familia ei era tinta unor revelatii demonice. Vreme de citeva luni, politia, psihologi, asistenti sociali si preoti au fost si ei martori manifestarilor demonice din casa ei. Politia a alcatuit un dosar enorm cu probe care are peste 800 de pagini. Evenimentele din viata lui Ammons si familia ei au fost subiectul unui articol interesat si lung publicat de Daily Mail in 2013 [Detalii:]


Este o constatare regretabila ca Halloweenul ia amploare si in Romania. Invataturile nesanatoase se transmit la viteza unui click de mouse si nu pot fi oprite la granite. Tineri romani, la fel ca cei din restul lumii, devin si ei fascinati de Halloween. Parintii trebuie atentionati si la rindul lor trebuie sa-si atentioneze copiii. Satana si duhurile necurate sunt lucruri reale. Halloween nu este o sarbatoare romaneasca ori crestina. Nici nu apartine traditiei ori civilizatiei romane. E de la sine de inteles ca trebuie respins si prevenit sa ia amploare in Romania.

Material furnizat de catre Alianta Familiilor din Romania

joi, 29 octombrie 2015


Former Californian Satanist Reveals Who Is Jesus And Satan’s Plans In Detail

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce


Former Californian Satanist Reveals Who Is Jesus And Satan’s Plans In Detail

Publicat pe 6 nov. 2012

About Father Son & Holy Spirit
Friends, a simple question.
Why you can’t believe God?
If You can believe that God can made earth & heaven by simply saying words, then why you can’t believe that same God can present 3 places at a same time. Didn’t God have the power to do this?
Psalms 139:7-10 says “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”
Dont God have the power as Jesus in Earth & Father in Heaven & His Holy Spirit.As you know God is everywhere.from the above verse. 
We have Mind, Body and Soul.Do we tell we are three? No.
Genesis 1:26 says Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness”
From the above verse we can understand God made human beings in His likeness.
As we can talk to our mind, God can talk each other, that’s Jesus prayed to Father. 
We are the creations of God, how much the Creator God can!!
Friends, i am writing to you with full of compassion please believe Jesus, doubts are the creation of satans job, don’t fall in his trap.
Think from your heart.
Is the Bible just a collection of myths and legends, or is it the inspired word of God? Many assume that modern scholarship has discredited the Bible, but the facts of history — and the discoveries of archaeology — confirm its contents to be true! The Bible recounts the past with amazing accuracy — and it predicts the future like no other book! Most of the world has been misled and misinformed about the Bible. You need to understand the truth — and how it can affect your life! Get it free from below link.…


CHUCK MISLER-Halloween – An Entrance Into The Occult

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce


Halloween – An Entrance Into The Occult Part 1 of 8
An In Depth Study Into The Subject Of Halloween. In This Bible Study Seminar Pastor Chuck Missler takes you on a journey from Holidays Origin’s To Present Day with A Warning To Fellow Christians To Not Take Part In These Satanic & Pagan Rituals. In This Series You will See The Occult connection, the satanic connection, the pagan connection. With References which include not only the Bible but Gullivers Travels, La Puta, Mars (The God Of War), Marshall arts, Mars fly by’s and the history of its effects on humanity throughout the years. He even goes over Sol and the with of endor to the satanic and new age new year aka sam hain’s feast day….etc.etc.etc. a ton of information to watch before you think about sending your children out to participate in the celtic, druidic and satanic rituals of HALLOWEEN! God Bless.
