
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Chip Ingram – De ce cred in inviere (subtitrare) Why I believe in the Resurrection

Christianity can be condensed into four words: Admit, Submit, Commit and Transmit. -Samuel Wilberforce

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Chip Ingram recounts how his faith in the Jesus of the Bible was challenged in college, during his master’s and doctorate programs by getting hit with some very hard questions as to the historicity of Jesus as well as having his intellectual standing assailed. Ingram states: “So I started this journey and I’ve been on this journey for about 30 years. And the journey goes something like this: Is there intellectually feasible evidence to support a faith in the Jesus of the Bible, with His claims of deity, eternal life and absolute truth?”

This is video 1 of a 12 part series posted on Romanian television. The entire DVD set is available at  Here is the description of the DVD set: What happens when we die? Can miracles be explained? Is there really a God? Answers to questions such as these are as varied as they are confusing, and spring from a plethora of mystical belief systems. But the fact is, we can know the truth. There are solid, logical answers to satisfy the heart and mind of those who are seeking. If you or someone you know has genuine questions about issues at the core of human existence, this series is an excellent resource! Message titles include: Why I Believe in the Resurrection / Why I Believe in Life After Death / Why I Believe in the Bible / Why I Believe in Creation – Part 1 / Why I Believe in Creation – Part 2 / Why I Believe in the God of the Bible


Crestinii si ateii sunt de acord dintr-o privinta, principala chestiune este invierea. Credinta noastra este construita pe un Isus care a trait in timp si spatiu. Manuscriptele biblice, cantitatea lor si calitatea, atat din punct de vedere secular, cat si din punct de vedere a savantilor religiosi; avem 25,000 de documente Nou Testamentare care autentifica realitatea/existenta lui Isus Hristos. Biblia nu este doar o formula despre cum sa-ti traiesti viata. Potrivit lui Isus, sunt cuvintele adevarate a lui Dumnezeu, cuvintele adevarate ale vietii pe care Dumnezeu vrea sa le ai.

Vei accepta sau vei respinge dovezile?

Chip Ingram povesteste citindu-l pe Francis Schaeffer,  si studiind si absolvind Universitatea de West Virginia, unde a scris lucrarea de licenta despre bazele intelectuale ale eticii, pe care a inceput sa le aprofundeze. Spune Ingram: In sesiunea de masterat si de doctorat m-au bombardat cu intrebari dificile. Asa ca am inceput aceasta aprofundare de peste 30 de ani. Cercetarea suna cam asa: Exista dovezi intelectuale care sa sustina credinta intr-un Isus din Biblie si afirmatiile Sale despre divinitatea Sa, despre viata eterna si adevarul absolut? Acum, dupa 30 de ani doresc sa raspund prin ceia ce am invatat.”


Published on Oct 5, 2012 by 
Acest seminar  este primul dintr-o serie mai larga De ce cred – o puteti cumpara pe DVD de aici:—chi…

Seminar Biblic - Chip Ingram - De ce cred? De ce cred in inviere - sem1, partea 1

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