
Monday, March 17, 2014




About Ann

Ran across this quote embedded in one of Ann's first blog posts.

everything must balance.
if i want to love deeply,
i should expect to suffer deeply.
this means i more or less choose
for myself what i want to put in
and take out of life. nothing great
or noble comes cheaply.

We all thank God for Ann and the legacy she left us.

In the 1970's and early 80's, Ann Kiemel moved millions with her simple faith and desire to share Jesus. Her books sold over 20 million copies. She inspired crowds at conventions, retreats, churches and coliseums. Ann married Will Anderson at 35 and longed to be a mother. Many miscarriages and operations later, she faced the agony of infertility. But God blessed them instead with four baby boys, birthed from four different birth mothers! She walked off the public stage to raise her children. Excruciating pain from medical complications eventually led to prescription drug dependency.

She is free now, thanks to God and rehab. But that ordeal --coupled with her husband's business misfortunes and death from cancer-- found Ann with nothing left but her driving hunger for authentic reality with Jesus. Today, Ann is reconnecting with longtime fans and making new ones here at Her voice is seasoned with gritty life experience hard-won on the battlegrounds of faith. She can empathize with those striving to persevere with God even though their dreams have not gone as hoped...whose "happily-ever-afters" have been anything but. Ann welcomes your comments. Thanks so much for stopping by.

Hi! I'm Ann

Ann Kiemel Runs a Marathon

Ann Kiemel speaks in Hawaii

Ann Kiemel with Cab Driver

Ann Kiemel's Dream Fullfilled

These short inspirational videos from the 70s and 80s show how ann rocked her world by doing small, simple gestures of kindness and relying on the Giant of a God inside her to do the rest!
Fo more you can view the hour long Gospel Films video titled "Hi, I'm Ann".speaking of Ann


It is so wonderful to hear what readers say about ann, her ministry and her writing. Here are a few snippets from the comments section ...

Ann, My name is Sara and I am 45 yrs old and single. I am sure thousands of people tell you how your books changed their life, but I have to tell you that your 'I love the word impossible' changed mine. I was a teenager when my Young Life leader gave me your book. To this day, it is one of my cherished posessions. She knew I was struggling with self worth and identity and just wanted to share Jesus with me. 30 yrs later I still struggle somewhat with my identity, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt Jesus loves me in my singledom, in my brokeness. -Love, Sara Gwathmey continue to inspire me. I love how you expose your raw heart. It makes me feel less bad about exposing my scarred up heart. We all feel close to you, Ann... Each of us feel like you could be our best friend...someone we could... show the very ugliest side of ourselves and yet you would still love us. You may not exactly like us...but we know you would love us. I wish I could give you a big hug and let you know just how much I care about you. Thanks for your ministry to my life. -Claire Record

I first heard u speak when I was in 5th grade in Salem, Oregon at Jesus NW. Evie and Honey Tree were there too. It was 1977 I... believe. It was when I heard u speak I felt God telling me that He wanted me to also be a public speaker and author and shine His love like u did. I was an awkward, very shy grade schooler and I remember desiring that but scared to death. God has used you in my life as a mentor and encourager and you mean more to me than you'll ever know. You hold a special place in my heart. You gave me tremendous hope through your books during my darkest times even as an 11 yr old and through my college yrs. God has truly annointed u and I just wanted u to know how much He has used u in my life. :) Lots of Hugs! -Linnea Baker

I love your blog. Thank you for writing it and encouraging me in my sometimes lonely, hard, broken world. You inspire me to have hope and to keep always look for Jesus everywhere I go. Thank you for blessing my life for the past 20 plus years! -Donna

thank you for continuing to speak from your heart here on your blog. you are so encouraging through sharing your ups and downs. -tacogirl1976

It was on my 20th birthday, May 21, 1972 that friends invited me to a Nazarene church. There I heard God speak to me for the very first time through you. I accepted the Lord that day. Now I am entering my 30th year of devoted ministry. God has given you such an amazing gift. And to think after all these years of searching, I have found you. Be encouraged. God has and will continue to use you to change and save thousands and thousands and thousands of lives. -Don Gunderson

I just wanted to tell you that I love your writing and honest emotions and transparency it gives all of us permission to be real and share and have hope in Jesus. Your books are incredible & I have read most through the years and reread some. Thanks for blogging and touching all of us. -Unknown

thank you for continuing to speak from your heart here on your blog. you are so encouraging through sharing your ups and downs. -sunrae

I had a couple of cassette tapes of yours back in college. I was coming back to the Lord after a couple years of rebellion in high school. I listened to them all the time and had them on in my dorm room at Biola much of the time. I remember them so well you still impact my life! -Cindy Wild

I think your posts are wonderful, each and every one! It means so much that you share your struggles and faults. -Judi

i am soooooo excited to have found this fb connection with you! i started reading your books when i was 21 years old and never stopped! i've given many, many of your books as gifts to friends & relatives to give them hope in JESUS!!! i heard you speak several times and heard your sister speak twice! your speaking & writing has been a big encouragement to many women! -colleen hambley glass

Single moms always need help!:-) Thank you for speaking out on the subject. -Cheryl name is Jason. You spoke in Melfort, Saskatchewan, Canada. I was pre-school (perhaps three or four years old). I do not remember what you said but something about your presence stimulated a conversation with my mom. I knelt by my bed and asked Jesus into my heart. My experience of growing theologically and my own development in my relationship with Jesus has been immense. I'm in my forties and in the ministry. Thank you for being one of the ways through which God's grace touched my life. God bless you -Jason C Boyd

Whenever asked the name of my favorite, most influential author, I have written Ann Kiemel :) I have lost count how many times I have read and reread your books. -Joanne


Recorded on March 8, 2014 at Bear Creek Community Church on Vimeo.

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