
Thursday, January 30, 2014

ALL THAT I WAS-Words: Horatius Bonar-Gospel Hymns For Daily Strength



All that I was, my sin, my guilt,
My death, was all mine own;
All that I am I owe to Thee,
My gracious God, alone.

The evil of my former state
Was mine, and only mine;
The good in which I now rejoice
Is Thine, and only Thine.

The darkness of my former state,
The bondage, all was mine;
The light of life in which I walk,
The liberty, is Thine.

Thy Word first made me feel my sin,
It taught me to believe;
Then, in believing, peace I found,
And now I live, I live!

All that I am, e’en here on earth
All that I hope to be,
When Jesus comes and glory dawns,
I owe it, Lord to Thee.

Words: Horatius Bonar, in the Bi­ble Hymn Book, 1845, num­ber 219, alt.
Music: St. Ber­nard (Ri­chard­son), Toch­ter Si­on (Köln, Ger­ma­ny: 1741); ar­ranged by John Ri­chard­son


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