
Friday, June 21, 2013


GRN Bible Picture Clipart CD

GRN Bible Picture Clipart CD

The Bible Picture Clipart CD contains all the pictures from the "Good News", "Look, Listen & Live" and "The Living Christ" picture series.
There are a total of nearly 300 different Bible pictures.
The images are in two formats:

1. Black & White line drawings

These TIFF format images can be printed up to A4 size at 300 DPI.
These are suitable for creating worksheets, or illustrating black & white Bibles and booklets.

2. Full Colour images

These JPEG format images are brightly coloured 900 x 600 pixels resolution.
These are suitable for use on computer in the form of slideshows, powerpoint presentations, and even simple videos. They are also suitable to print up to A8 size at 300 DPI.

Other content

Higher resolution colour images are also available from GRN Australia for particular purposes such as printing in larger formats, creation of DVDs with extensive panning and zooming, and production of slides.


The Bible Picture Clipart CD is A$29 including shipping anywhere in the world from GRN Australia (order online here) or from many other GRN centres.

Related Articles

The "Good News" audio-visual: This audio visual set has 40 pictures to present an overview of the Bible from Creation to Christ. It covers the salvation message and basic teaching on the Christian life. It is available in more than 1300 languages.
"The Living Christ" audio-visual: This comprehensive audio visual uses 120 pictures to give a more in depth view of the life and ministry of Jesus. It is a newer program, and currently available in just a few languages.
The "Look, Listen & Live" audio-visual:This set of eight programs of 24 pictures each is excellent for systematic evangelism and Christian teaching. The series gives studies of Old Testament characters, the life of Jesus, and the young church. It is available in hundreds of languages.

Find out more

Five Things You Should Know About GRN

Welcome to the GRN Website! Here are some places to get you started.

What does GRN do?

GRN produces audio recordings of bible teaching in 6,057 languages for the least reached language groups of the world.

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Can I listen to or download a recording?

Most of GRN's recordings can be downloaded for free from our website for you to distribute to your friends. Or you can listen right here.

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Why does GRN use Storytelling?

GRN believes that storytelling is a most effective way to communicate biblical truths.

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How can I get involved?

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How is GRN funded?

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About GRN

(0:59) - A quick summary

What we do

(1:27) - See the many facets of GRN's ministry.
Visit GRN's new website for sharing and downloading recordings on mobile phones and devices

What's New

Wildlife STORYTELLERS: For followers of Jesus, even thinking about child abuse is enough to make us recoil in horror.
Mobile Phone Ministry: Mobile phones provide GRN with a massive opportunity to distribute recordings more widely than ever before.
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