
Saturday, March 30, 2013

FORGIVE THEM, O MY FATHER-They know not what they do.


They know not what they do.

Elevation of the Cross, by Rembrandt

Forgive them, O my Father,
They know not what they do.

The Savior spoke in anguish,

As sharp iron nails went through.

No word of anger spoke He

To them that shed His blood,

But prayer and tenderest pity

Large as the love of God.

For me was that compassion,

For me that tender care;

I need His wide forgiveness

As much as any there.

It was my pride and hardness

That hung Him on the tree;

Those cruel nails, O Savior,

Were driven in by me.

And often I have slighted

Thy gentle voice that said:

Forgive me too, Lord Jesus,

I knew not what I did.

O depth of sweet compassion!

O love divine and true!

Save Thou the souls that slight Thee,

And know not what they do.

Words: Ce­cil F. Al­ex­an­der,

in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1875, alt.

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