
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Daily Prayer For March 24th

Daily Prayer For March 24th

palm sunday

Hi, Friends, Here is the morning prayer…

Dear Lord,

Thank you for this day…this day we call Palm Sunday…the day that starts the week where we remember your death and all you suffered…we can visualize the heavy cross you carried and the horrific brutality you endured…but all of that paled in comparison to the weight you felt from our sins and the separation it caused from your Heavenly Father.

Lord, we ask for all who are reading this… may the meaning of this week speak to them as never before. You tell us in your word that we should share in your suffering and many here are doing that. They are bearing their own personal crosses and it can be hard… many grow weary and tired and at times it feels like they are falling under the heavy weight of their burdens… many people wonder where you are in the midst of their suffering, but you are right beside them. Seeing each tear…hearing each cry… reaching out with outstretched arms and nail pierced hands…saying “I know and understand”… you are there to help empower us to overcome with your strength and might! Just as Jesus knew the victory that was coming after all He endured, may each one praying, remember that suffering lasts for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

You died to set us free…to give us hope…to give us life everlasting, if we only believe! Help us to remember that our reward is not just joy and happiness after grief and trials have ended…but our reward is YOU!!

You don’t want to just protect us or bless us, but you want to give us more of you. You are our great reward. May that fill each one of us with peace and comfort, Lord. Please go before us this day and stir within us a desire for you, like we’ve never known. Change us and mold us and help us to see ourselves and our lives, through your eyes.

May this week be a time of reflection for us…may we view our pain, infirmities, hardships and losses in the light of all that Jesus went through. May we think about your great love for us and your incredible sacrifice. We thank you that as you entered the city to great fanfare on that first Palm Sunday, there is coming a day when you are going to triumphantly enter our world again, with even greater fanfare, because every eye will behold you and your resurrected glory. You are so worthy to be praised our Lord, Savior, and King! We thank you that we have a Savior, in whose name we can pray, Amen.

Blessings be upon you all!

In His love,

March 24, 2013

(c) Debbie Kay, Hope For The Broken Heart

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