
Friday, December 21, 2012

MY BELOVED IS MINE AND I AM HIS !Song of Solomon 2:16

My Beloved is mine–and I am His!


(James Smith)376534_409648519090937_1309768168_n

“My Beloved is mine–and I am His!” Song of Solomon 2:16

“My Beloved is mine!” He is . . .

  • the Savior in whom I believe and trust;

  • the Husband whom I reverence and love;

  • the Lord whom I adore and obey;

  • the portion on which I live; and

  • the beloved One upon whom my heart and affections are set.

“And I am His!”432355_301065676622074_1511921641_n


He chose me–or I would have never chosen Him.

He redeemed me–or I would have still been Satan’s slave.

He called me–or I would have still been wandering from God.

He sanctified me–or I would have still been vile and polluted.

He manifested Himself to me–or I would have never seen His glory.

“I am His!”427607_242774265812267_100002390859630_517498_521695603_n

I am His spouse.

I am His portion.

I am His delight.

I am His choice out of all worlds.

I am His glorious crown!

“My Beloved is mine–and I am His!” Song of Solomon 2:16

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