
Friday, December 21, 2012



 NO. 564 

  “Yet now hear, O Jacob, My servant; and Israel, whom I have chosen: thus says the Lord that made you, and formed  you from the womb, which will help you: Fear not, O Jacob, My servant; and you, Jesurun, whom I have chosen.  417991_2543266001210_769512934_n
 For I will pour water upon him who is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour My Spirit upon your seed, and My blessing upon your offspring: and they shall spring up as among the  grass, as willows by the water courses. One shall say, I am the Lord’s; and another  shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel.” 
 Isaiah 44:1-5. 282689_480223285325562_1534726117_n
   Brothers and Sisters, reach down for your biographies; turn over your diaries; go back with me a little while to that spot where you first knew the Savior, then march on along the way by which the Lord has led you, till you reach the day and hour which found you in the House of God, listening to His promise. 
   We were once the servants of sin, and the slaves of our own passions, but He who made us free has now taken us into His family and taught us obedience to His will. We can say with David, “I am Your servant; I am Your servant, and the son of Your handmaid: You have loosed my bonds.” 
  We do not serve our Master perfectly, but we would if we could. There are some of His Commandments which we forget, but there are none which we would despise. We do, through infirmity, turn aside unto crooked ways, but we find no comfort in them. Our meat and our drink is to do the will of Him who sent us, and our prayer is— “Make me to walk in Your commands,  It is a delightful road. Nor let my head, nor heart, nor hands,  Offend against my God.” 394882_10150872506818976_260836383975_12561480_2028311960_n
   Ah, my Savior is no fickle lover. He does not feel enchanted for a while with some gleams of beauty from His Church’s eyes, and then afterwards cast her off because of her unfaithfulness.
    Well then, here is His promise of what He will do, “I will help you.” 
 You cannot pray this morning; you cannot wrestle as you desire—“I will help you.” You feel unable to overcome sin—“I will help you.” You are engaged in service too heavy for you—“I will help you.” Whether it is to suffer, to sacrifice, to labor, or to endure, take this comfort—“I will help you.” I love this promise! It is a very short one, but it is all the longer in meaning because it is short in expression. You may avail yourself of it in all cases. The promise turns every way, and blesses in every form. It is like a weapon which may be used for 50 purposes—it will be to you, if you will, a sword, and you may beat it into a plowshare; or it will prove a shield, a spear, a chariot, and I know not what besides. You cannot find any possible position into which the child of God can be brought in which this promise will fail to bless him! 
   O my Brothers and Sisters, when the Holy Spirit visits a man, what a difference it makes in him!
   I know a preacher, once as dull and dead a man as ever misused a pulpit; under his slumbering ministrations there were few conversions, and the congregation grew thinner and thinner, good men sighed in secret, and the enemy said, “Aha, so would we have it!”
  The revival came—the Holy Spirit worked gloriously, the preacher felt the Divine Fire and suddenly woke up to energy and zeal. The man appeared to be transformed; his tongue seemed touched with fire; elaborate and written discourses were laid aside, and he began to talk out of his own glowing heart to the hearts of others! He preached as he had never done before; the place filled; the dry bones were stirred, and quickening began! They who knew him once so elegant, correct, passionless, dignified, cold, lifeless, and unprofitable, asked in amazement, “Is Saul also among the Prophets?” The Spirit of God is a great wonder-worker!421895_2543251000835_1840547792_1520311_2129492618_n
  You will notice certain Church members; they have never been good for much; we have had their names on the roll, and that is all—suddenly the Spirit of God has come upon them, and they have been honored among us for their zeal and usefulness! We have seen them here and there and everywhere diligent in the service of God, and foremost in all sorts of Christian labor, though before you could hardly get them to stir an inch.
  I would that the quickening Spirit would come down upon me and upon you—upon every one of us in abundance—to create us valiant men for Truth and mighty for the Lord! 
  O for some of the ancient valor of Apostolic times, that, like good Knights of the Cross we would dash forward against the foe, and with irresistible courage deal heavy blows against the adversary of souls and his vast host! We may do this; we have only to plead the promise! God will be inquired of, but the promise stands true, “I will pour water upon him who is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground.” Do not lose the blessing through remissness, but ask and you shall receive. 429342_302604559803347_100001614176353_917614_941774501_n
  Brothers and Sisters, pray for me; for I need more Grace, and in return I will plead the Lord’s words on your behalf.  little-nell-and-her-grandfather
   As a very great comfort to His mourning people, the Lord now promises A BLESSING UPON THEIR CHILDREN. You will observe, dear Friends, that they must get the blessing for themselves first, for the third verse has it—“I 
 will pour water upon him who is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground”—that is first; and then afterwards—“I will pour My Spirit upon your seed.” 
  We must not expect to see our children blessed unless we ourselves grow in Grace. It is often the inconsistency of parents which is the obstacle—the outward obstacle to the conversion of their children.


  No doubt there have been multitudes of children of professing parents who have been damned instrumentally by the ungodliness and inconsistency of their parents at home. 
  The parents, let us hope, were Christians—but there has been so much of apparent inconsistency about them, that the ruin of their children has been the consequence. It is a notorious fact that some of the worst of men have been the children of godly parents.
  Do pray, dear Friends, for your children, that God will pour His Spirit upon them; and as to the rest, you may depend that all the fruits will come in due time.
  Tell the child that he is dead in trespasses and sins, let there be no doubt about his natural condition, and let this always be your prayer, “Almighty Grace, renew his heart; turn him from darkness to Light, and make him Yours!” 30-zuber-buhler_thumb

 Then you have in the promise in the third place, the plenty of Grace which God gives. He says, “I will pour My Spirit upon your seed”—not a little of it—but they shall have abundance.  You ought not, in the case of children, to look merely for life—you will find vigorous life! You may not expect a little surface-knowledge only, but you may expect to find in them a depth of knowledge in the things of God, for so God’s promise has it, “I will pour My Spirit upon your seed.”  407052_239200382836038_150145948408149_521670_1031671815_n

  For my part I am more and more persuaded that the study of a good 

Scriptural Catechism is of infinite value to our children,

 The promise upon which I have preached this morning needs to be pleaded before God, for God does not fulfill such promises as these without our bringing them before Him in earnest fervent prayer.P1140892

  Some of us, in looking back, can speak of a godly father and a godly grandfather; we can look for generations back, till as far as we can trace a line—Divine Grace has run in our family. O that the line may continue for years to come, till as long as generations are born, there shall be one of our kith and kin to carry the standard, and sound the trumpet, and fight for the Lord of Israel! 



 “Wake, parents of Israel! O hasten to plead  

For the Spirit of Grace to descend!  

The Word has gone forth, and the faithful have need  

Of your prayers the great cause to defend.  

From the youth of our country shall armies arise,  

The Gospel of peace to proclaim; 

Over the land and the seas, the glad message that flies,  

Shall re-echo Immanuel’s name!  

Wake, parents in Israel! O, wrestle and pray  

That Grace to our youth may be given;  

For the hands that in faith are uplifted today  

Shall prevail with our Father in Heaven!”

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