
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

THANK YOU LORD!Traditional Hymns Podcast

Thank You, Lord

Lyrics and Music: Seth and Bessie Sykes

Thank You, Lord


The Evangelists Seth & Bessie Sykes were well-known in Springburn, the U.K, and even in the United States. In 1929 Seth, who was a tram conductor, resigned in 1929, and both of them travelled to mission churches throughout the length an breadth of Britain with a barrel organ, singing, preaching the gospel and retelling stories from the Bible with lantern slides.

This is a favourite hymn amongst residents of Ju Eng Home Singapore. It reminds to be thankful to our God and creator who provides and sustains our lives. Through this Chinese New Year, let us remember the LORD who is the true provider of peace, harmony and prosperity. Amen.

Some thank the Lord for friends and home
For mercies sure and sweet
But I would praise Him for his grace
In prayer I would repeat

Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul
Thank you, Lord, for making me whole
Thank you, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free

Some thank Him for the flow’rs that grow
Some for the stars that shine
My heart is filled with joy and praise
Because I know He’s mine

I trust in Him from day to day
I prove His saving grace
I’ll sing this song of praise to Him
Until I see His face

Traditional Hymns PodcastThis entry was posted on Tuesday, January 27th, 2009 at 9:51 am and is filed under hymns

15 Responses to “Thank You, Lord”

  1. Leon Estes says:

    February 5, 2009 at 1:09 pm

    THank you for printing these lyric on this site, and for the music. I learned this Chorus as a child in the 1950′s in the USA. I did not know it had verses until tonight!


    “Wonderful, Wonderful, Jesus is To Me”

  2. purpleheart says:
    Thank you for the lyrics and music. Quite lovely! During my morning devotion, I remembered the chorus to this hymn. It lightened my heart to hear the song.
  3. I absolutely love this hymn. For Thanksgiving, tomorrow I am going to sing the chorus of “We Give Thanks to You Lord” then this complete hymn, ending the the chorus of We Give Thanks to You Lord again, to our small congregation, where my husband is the Pastor. We have so much to be thankful for.
  4. Thank you so much for the lyrics to this hymn. I plan on singing it tomorrow for our little congreation at our church where my husband is the new Pastor, starting out with the lyrics to “We Give Thanks to You Lord” followed by this whole hymn, “Thank You” and ending again with the lyrics to We Give Thanks to You Lord. What a great hymn to sing for Thanksgiving.
  5. Paul Fourshee says:
    Does anyone have the sheet music to this arrangement? My mother taught a Sunday school class of small children in Kentucky in the early 60′s and I remember her singing this with the children. She has been dead for over 30 years. This song means so much to me on different levels.
  6. I was out riding my bicycle today when this wonderful old chorus began
    running through my mind. I’ve known it since I was a child in the 1950s.
    I’m sending the lyrics out to my 23,500 subscribesrs tonight. I didn’t know who had written it until i found this web site. Thank you and God Bless You!
  7. Alden Sindac says:
    Thank You, Lord ….. my mom’s favorite song, the last song we sung in her funeral service 3 weeks ago. In everything, give thanks to God.
    Happy Thanksgiving Day To All.
  8. Jane Carter says:
    I am the church organist at the Mount Sinai Congregational Church in Mt. Sinai, Long Island, New York. I have a request to play Thank You Lord by Seth & Bessie Sykes at a funeral. I need the music for this hymn. Can you help me? Thank you!
    Jane Carter
  9. Jerry and Joyce Donnelly says:
    I and my wife used to Hear this Great Hymn-Message Years ago, of a Believer by Faith in Jesus Christ…of God’s Love For Us…and our Love for God… For Saving our Soul… and Now we Don’t !
    Have both Mankind and the World…
    FORGOTTEN… The ONE True GOD in EMMANUEL… “Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour”, Thee I AM and Creator God of All… Once Again ?
    Few Body of Christ Churches give the Salvation Message anymore. AND THAT MESSAGE IS WHAT THE BODY IS ALL ABOUT. God’s Love and The Great Commission we were Asked to Do seems to Have Been Forgotten ! Thank You for Reminding Us ! May God Bless the Work You Do ! *
    * In the Name above All Jesus…For We are Saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ, God’s Gift to us Only ! ( Romans 3 : 23; 6 : 23 … John 8 : 31_36 … Ephesians 2 : 8_10 … Galations 4 : 4_7; 5 : 1 ) A-men’
    Jerry and Joyce Donnelly, 1143 Reed Circle Drive, Columbus, Ohio. 43224-1067 Phone 614-268-6525. E-mail J GOD J
  10. Andrew says:
    Does anyone have the sheet music for this Hymn? I would like to use it in Church.
  11. [...] great to get up in the morning…”) One song he especially loved to sing was “Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.” These songs have stayed with me my entire life, reminding me of proper behavior as both his [...]
  12. [...] great to get up in the morning…”) One song he especially loved to sing was “Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.” These songs have stayed with me my entire life, reminding me of proper behavior as both his [...]
  13. Ruth Pullen says:
    For months I have had these lyrics in my head and could not remember the rest of the hymn. This was taught to me by my grandmother when I was a child. Thank you for your help.
  14. Ruth says:
    Mr Seth Sykes and Mrs Bessie Sykes came to Guernsey in the Channel Islands several times. Both my parents were saved under their ministry in 1935, and I too was saved in 1939. Praise the Lord.
  15. Steven White, PA-C says:

    November 21, 2011 at 1:58 am

    During this week of Thanksgiving, my pastor reminded us to especially take the the time to thank God for his providence (I had to look that one up) and for His gift of salvation. Thank you Lord for saving my soul. Thank you Lord for making me whole.

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