
Wednesday, November 28, 2012



The Design and Complexity of the Cell

by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D.

The majority of scientifically trained biologists and geneticists are taught that the apparent design that is observed in cells is the result of only random chemical and energy processes operating over eons of time. Such a belief system prompts their thinking to rest on purely natural logic, producing materialistic conclusions—and often ignoring or marginalizing the implications of careful engineering and design.

There are, however, multiple thousands of scientists who accept the Bible’s message that there is a Creator who planned the creation, designed the intricate engineering efficiencies into that creation, and then built the product: our planet and its wonderfully unique life and functions. That belief system not only fits empirically with what is observed (design, precise function, operational efficiencies, etc.), but provides insight that enables creation-based scientists to grasp the significance of the information more readily—without having to invent a supposed eons-long story for the development of what is actually observed.

Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins and his contributing colleagues have provided an excellent resource that documents and helps explain the intricate processes of cells, and gives keen insight for “clearly seeing” the obvious hand of the Creator in the “things that are made” (Romans 1:20).

Click here for more information about Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins and contributing authors.

Primary Author

Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins

Research Associate

Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins earned a master’s degree in Plant Science in 1990 from the University of Idaho, where he performed research in plant hormones. He received his Ph.D. in Genetics from Clemson University in 1996. While at Clemson, he worked as a research technician in a plant breeding/genetics program, with a research focus in the area of quantitative and physiological genetics in soybean. After receiving his Ph.D., he worked at a genomics institute and became a faculty member in the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry at Clemson. He had become a Christian as an undergraduate at Washington State University in 1982, with a goal to eventually work as a scientist and author in the creation science field. In 2009, Dr. Tomkins joined the Institute for Creation Research as Research Associate. He is the primary author of The Design and Complexity of the Cell.

 Contributing Authors

Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

Deputy Director for Life Sciences


  • Chapter 9: The Biology of Stem Cells

  • Chapter 10: Processes and Implications of Stem Cell Research

For more information about Dr. Jeanson, click here.

Dr. Brad Forlow


  • Appendix 2: The Development of Pharmaceutical Therapeutics

Dr. Randy Guliuzza

National Representative


  • Life’s Indispensable Microscopic Machines

  • Life-Giving Blood

  • Human Reproduction

  • Immune Systems, The Body’s Security Force

  • Darwinian Medicine: A Prescription for Failure

For more information about Dr. Guliuzza, click here.

Brian Thomas

Science Writer


  • Have Scientists Created a Synthetic Cell?

  • Where Did Flesh-eating Bacteria Come From?

  • Brain’s Complexity “Is Beyond Anything Imagined”

  • The Mysteries of Stunning Soft Tissue Fossil Finds

For more information about Mr. Thomas, click here.

Frank Sherwin

Research Associate, Senior Lecturer, and Science Writer


  • Cells: Sophisticated and God-Designed

For more information about Mr. Sherwin, click here.

Click here to read the Foreword by Dr. Henry Morris III.


The functions within the cells of our bodies are foundational to our existence. Understanding these functions has made the environment and the processes of our lifestyles healthier, more enjoyable, and more productive. All of humanity has benefited from the life sciences and the scientists who have dedicated their considerable skills to uncovering the functions and processes of the multifaceted variety of cells.

Although scientists have discovered, documented, and developed wonderful insights about the complex information, precise sequential processes, and unique interwoven controls within cells, there is a huge chasm among scientists when they try to understand how these highly efficient processes got started in the first place.

The majority of scientifically trained biologists and geneticists are taught that the apparent design that is observed in cells is the result of only random chemical and energy processes operating over eons of time. Such a belief system prompts their thinking to rest on purely natural logic, producing materialistic conclusions— and often ignoring or marginalizing the implications of careful engineering and design.

There are, however, multiple thousands of scientists who accept the Bible’s message that there is a Creator who planned the creation, designed the intricate engineering efficiencies into that creation, and then built the product: our planet and its wonderfully unique life and functions. That belief system not only fits empirically with what is observed (design, precise function, operational efficiencies, etc.), but provides insight that enables creation-based scientists to grasp the significance of the information more readily—without having to invent a supposed eons-long story for the development of what is actually observed. Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins and his contributing colleagues have provided an excellent resource that will document and help explain the intricate processes of cells and give some keen insight for “clearly seeing” the obvious hand of the Creator in the “things that are made” (Romans 1:20).

Each chapter is written for technical accuracy. Most high school biology students will find the information similar to what is in their textbooks—but more carefully explained regarding the clear presence of design. Interspersed throughout the book are short articles that will provide specific examples of the cellular functions as they impact system operation. These examples will provide observable applications of how these marvelous processes insure that the purpose of each design is fulfilled.

At the end of each chapter is an information summary that will reinforce the science discussed and outline the design characteristics easily identified by the discoveries.

This book is designed as a scientific resource and ready reference, as well as an apologetic tool to use as a witness of the omnipotent and omniscient Creator and Savior. Our prayer at the Institute for Creation Research is that you will find both of these purposes fulfilled in your life.

Henry M. Morris III
Chief Executive Officer
Institute for Creation Research

Click here to see the Table of Contents.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Dogma and Science Surrounding Cell Origins 13

Abiogenesis 13

The Evolutionary Problem of the Cell 17

Have Scientists Created Artificial Life? 18

Summary 19

Application: Have Scientists Created a Synthetic Cell? 20
Chapter 2 A Basic Description of Cells and Cell Types 23

A Basic Definition of Cells 23

Two Basic Cell Types in Biology 25

Prokaryotic Cell Characteristics 27

Development of a Model System for Cell Biology 30

E. coli: The Prokaryotic Model for Evolution 30

The Role of Cells in Biological Creation 31

Summary 33

Application: Life’s Indispensable Microscopic Machines 34
Chapter 3 Eukaryotic Cells and Multicellularity 37

The Highly Engineered Eukaryotic Nucleus and Mitochondria 38

Mitochondria: The Evolutionary Model of Symbiosis Is Unsupported 40

Plant Cell Chloroplasts 41

Additional Eukaryotic Cell Characteristics 42

Summary 45

Application: Life-Giving Blood 46
Chapter 4 Genes and Proteins 49

DNA: The Cell’s Genetic Blueprint 49

Making a Protein 50

A Masterpiece of Design and Purpose 53

Summary 54

Application: Where Did Flesh-Eating Bacteria Come From? 55
Chapter 5 Cell Division and DNA Replication: How Life Is Engineered to Perpetuate 57

Cell Division: The Basic Biological Process Required for Life 57

Mitosis 59

Meiosis 60

Summary 64

Application: Brain’s Complexity “Is Beyond Anything Imagined” 65
Chapter 6 Cell Signaling: The Miracle of the Biological Network 67

Cell Surface Receptors 67

Neurons 69

Summary 71

Application: Human Reproduction 72
Chapter 7 The Cytoskeleton and the Extracellular Matrix: How Biology Achieves Shape, Form, and Movement 75

Actin Filaments and Microtubules 75

Junctions between Cells 77

The Extracellular Matrix 79

Summary 80

Application: The Mysteries of Stunning Soft Tissue Fossil Finds 81
Chapter 8 Cells in Creation, Sin, and Redemption 83

Plants 83

Photosynthesis and Respiration 84

Water, Air, and Land Creatures 85

Consequences of the Curse 86

Summary 87

Application: Immune Systems, the Body’s Security Force 88
Chapter 9 The Biology of Stem Cells 91

The Biology of Adult Stem Cells 91

Cellular Mechanisms of Self-Renewal and Differentiation 93

Molecular Mechanisms of Self-Renewal and Differentiation 94

The Biology of Embryonic Stem Cells 95

How Embryonic Stem Cells Work: Mechanisms of ESC Self-Renewal and Differentiation 95

The Origins of Human Cellular Diversity: The Fact of Creation and the Insufficiency of Evolution 96

Summary 97

Application: Darwinian Medicine: A Prescription for Failure 98
Chapter 10 Processes and Implications of Stem Cell Research 101

Reprogramming and Cloning 103

Stem Cells and Medicine: Cell Therapy 105

Stem Cell Ethics 106

Conclusion 109

Summary 110

Application: Cells: Sophisticated and God-Designed 111
Appendix 1 Biology and the Bible 113
Appendix 2 117

Therapeutic Intervention 117

Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery and Development 118

Pharmacological Inhibition 123

Conclusion 124

This beautiful, full-color book in hardcover is only $19.99 (plus shipping and handling). Click here to order your copy today!

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