
Thursday, July 5, 2012



Invisible but everlasting!

Deuteronomy 33:27 – The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

The eternal God with everlasting arms has proved to His children that He has great pleasure in taking care of them. It has been His privilege to give refuge to His children in times of trouble. His protection is all around His children. He keeps us in the palm of His hands so that our feet would not get hurt in the stony and thorny pathways which we tread. We do not know what lies ahead of us on the pathway, but He knows the way and has gone before us to make sure that we do not stagger or stumble. He covers us from every danger on the way and all the snares of the enemy. When we go through heartaches and burdens, we can take refuge in the Lord and entrust all our concerns to Him. He will then cuddle us like a mother takes care of her little ones. We are fearless and fortified under His everlasting wings and all our times are covered by Him. He knows us in and out and has provisions for all our needs. His everlasting arms stretch out to all our situations to help and deliver. His hands give us His divine touch which heals our broken hearts and emotions. He builds and rebuilds us when we are torn down by the enemy of our souls. There was a time when David felt that he and his people were like a tree on a wayside being violated by passersby. They pass away, but our Lord stays with us. They do not realize that when they hurt us, they truly hurt our Lord. He forgives them for hurting Him and His children, but desires that through the fruit they eat from our trees, they would come to Him and find rest for their souls. We see that the everlasting arms of our Lord sustain His children in times of trouble and bring them out of their testing times to moments of peace, rest and tranquility. He wants to touch us with those arms today so that we would enjoy His healing, sustenance, comfort, security and goodness.

Dear reader, it is good for you to remember today that you are under the purview of the everlasting arms of our Lord no matter what your situation is. His invisible hands reach out and touch you in all your situations. It is because of His arms that we are sustained today. We have the privilege to enjoy the safety and security that His presence provides. He is available to us no matter where we are. Daniel had His arms in the den of the hungry lions and the Hebrew youth had His arms in the fiery furnace. Noah had the privilege to enjoy it in the flood and David enjoyed it when Goliath encountered him and while he was hiding in a cave. Joseph experienced these everlasting arms in the pit and the dungeon. So did Jeremiah in the broken cistern. His everlasting arms picked up Ruth from the enemy country and made her the bride of Boaz so that she would become a great grandmother of Jesus. These arms brought Rehab out of Jericho and made her the bride of Salmon and the great grandmother of Jesus. The same arms of the Lord picked up a village girl by the name Rebekah and made her the bride of Isaac and thus to become another great grandmother of Jesus. His arms were with them and their generations all the way from Adam as these arms stretch out and touch our generation and exhibit His faithfulness to us at all times. Our Lord existed above timelines, and He lives through the faithfulness that He has been demonstrating in our lives even today. As He is our refuge, today we can look at our unknown tomorrows with a smile on our faces and confidence in our hearts to keep going forward with Him. His faithfulness, mercy and goodness will surely follow us on all our tomorrows. Hallelujah!!

Psalms 91:4 – He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

                                                                 Thought for Today

God’s everlasting arms are so vast as to cover all His children at all times and in all situations.

  For further spiritual help and prayer support, contact:

 Verse for Today: Saturday, June 30, 2012

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