
Sunday, May 13, 2012



Happy Mother's Day!

I am not going to be around this weekend for Mother's Day so I wanted to wish all my readers a Happy Mother's day today! Motherhood is glorious, hard, exhausting yet the most rewarding work which is why I wanted to share some quotes to encourage you... "A mother's love endures through all; in good repute, in bad repute, in the face of the worlds condemnation, a mother still love on." -Washington Irving

"Mother is the sweetest word that ever one could say: It speaks of love and tenderness, and quiet beauty day by day."

"A mother's love is a beacon of light that shines faith, and truth, and prayer; and through the changing scenes of life, her children find a haven there."

 "Mother--that was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries."

 --T. De Witt Talmage

"The instruction receive at a mother's knees is never quite effaced from the soul."

Mothers, you are needed! Do not grow weary in your high calling but know that the Lord is pleased with your sacrifice that will impact eternity. If you are feeling tired or discouraged, do not be dismayed, you are doing kingdom work and at times it can be exhausting. Do not become overwhelmed but seek your strength from our heavenly father who can refresh your soul unlike anything else on this earth.

And--in honor of Mother's day we'd like to offer our ebook, True Christian Motherhood, for just 99 cents (pdf version only-a  $7 value) to those who haven't had a chance to read it yet. You can get it here.Buy Now

We can also "gift" it to your favorite mom--just send us an email at if you are interested!

 Have a Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

 You might also like:

A Mother’s Love Chapter

If I talk to my children about what is right and what is wrong, but I have not love, I am like a ringing doorbell or pots banging in the kitchen. And though I know what stages they will go through, and understanding their growing pains, and can answer all their questions about life, and believe myself to be a devoted mother, but I have not love, I have nothing.

If I give up the fulfillment of a career to make my children’s lives better, and stay up all night sewing costumes or baking cookies at short notice, but grumble about lack of sleep, I have not love and accomplish nothing.
A loving mother is patient with her children’s immaturity and kind even when they are not; a loving mother is not jealous of their youth nor does she hold it over their heads whenever she has sacrificed for them.
A loving mother believe in her children; she hopes in each one’s individual ability to stand out as a light in a dark world; she endures every backache  and hearthache to accomplish that.
A loving mother never really dies. As for home-baked bread, it will be consumed and forgotten: as for spotless floors, they will soon gather dust and heel marks. As for children, right now toys, friends and food are all-important to them. But when they grow up, it will be their mother’s love that they will remember and pass on to others. In that way, she will live on.
So care, training and a loving mother reside in a home, these three but the greatest of these is a loving mother.

The Love Chapter for Mothers

If I talk to my children about what is right and what is wrong, but have not love, I am like a ringing doorbell or pots banging in the kitchen.
And though I know what stages my children will go through and understand their growing pains, and can answer all their questions about life and believe myself to be a devoted mother, but have not love, I am nothing… 
If I give up the fulfillment of a career to make my children’s lives better and stay up all night sewing costumes or baking cookies on short notice, but grumble about lack of sleep, I have not love and accomplish nothing…
A loving mother is patient with her children’s immaturity and kind even when they are not; a loving mother is not jealous of their youth, nor does she hold it over their heads whenever she has sacrificed for them.
A loving mother believes in her children; she hopes in each one’s individual ability to stand out as a light in a dark world; she endures every heartache and backache to accomplish that.
A loving mother never really dies. As for homebaked bread, it will be consumed and forgotten; as for spotless floors, they will soon gather dust and heelmarks. As for children, right now toys and friends and food are all-important to them. But when they grow up, it will be their mother’s love that they will remember and pass on to others. In that way, she will live on.
So care, training, and a loving mother reside in a home, these three; but the greatest of these is a loving mother…

My Mother is a Bridge

 “I cannot forget my mother.

 She is my bridge,

 When I needed to get across,

 she steadied herself long enough
for me to run across safely.”

This a quote included in the new bestseller, True Christian Motherhood. If you are a mother looking for encouragement, vision, support and hope, I wanted to invite you to the officially start and kickoff of the True Christian Motherhood Discussion Group online and would love for you to come and join us. There are currently 248 ladies there and we are covering Chapter one today. It is a wonderful way to start the new season and school year by helping us to stay focused on what really matters and how we mother. It is NOT too late to join, you can grab a book right now and jump right in. It is available at Amazon for Kindle, Barnes and Noble for Nook or you can just download it on your PC instantlyby clicking here (it’s super easy):
Buy Now
Also, I am getting word that women are using this as a Bible study in their homes and churches. This is a wonderful way to share this book with other women. If you are doing this OR thinking about doing this, please contact me. I will give a discount for group purchases, email me at for more details. Also, for those who have contacted me about reviews, we are working on answering all the emails we have gotten since the book has been released and you should hear from us very soon!
And for those who didn’t know, you can download Kindle onto your PC for FREE, just click right here, and purchase True Christian Motherhood directly through there instantly as well (not to mention all the great other ebooks they have–several are free or start at 99 cents! Great for homeschoolers–I just recently dowloaded several excellent classics at no cost).
**UPDATE**: I am also giving away THREE free copies to Mom’s  who are going through financial hardship who are in the group, just send me an email at the address above and tell me your story. :)
See you over at the TCM Discussion Group!

 Mother’s Day Reflections

 Dear ladies,

 How was your Mother’s day? I hope that it was wonderful.  Mine was INCREDIBLE—we ended up visiting a church we attended in the past for almost a decade. We took free Mother’s Day portraits there, connected with several old friends and got to hear a life changing message! I wish I could share it all with you here, I was hoping that since the church livestreams I would be able to link to the message but they don’t have it up just yet so when and if they do, I will share it with you then but until they do that I will just share some of the highlights here. A few great points were:

  •  We need to speak verbal affirmation into our children at all times and not grow weary. We are the major influencers in our children’s lives whether they are young or adult and we can not forget the power before our words to define them and mold them into the people they will become. 

  • We need to give them physical love even though we might not have received it ourselves. We need to hug, pat on the back, etc. because if not they will seek it somewhere else.

  • We need to speak spiritual blessings into their life purposefully.

  • We need to not just speak into the lives of our children but also our grandchildren.

  • We cannot make excuses, we control our actions

  • It is never, EVER to late to begin doing any of these things above and begin powerfully impacting the lives around us

And then at the end, Pastor Mark invited all of the women up to the altar and prayed powerfully over them. He prayed with authority, love, compassion and much like a spiritual father over the women and pouring blessings into their lives. I saw the faces of the women standing there—so many broken, so many crying and hugging eachother, and many never having a man pray like that over them. I’m telling you, it was very hard to hold back the tears. You could just imagine the men who have failed them in the past, the father’s who were not present, the love that was not available. My heart cries out for these women and I am so happy that the Lord stands in that empty abyss of our hearts and showers abundantly perfect love and grace over each and every one of us.

 It was great hearing a message like that—powerful and life changing. I never want to forget that there are lives out there that need transforming and aching to hear the life giving hope the Lord offers to us. To see others and myself greatly reaping from and fully immersed in the refreshing waters of God’s truths. I don’t ever want to become complacent in my faith or become too*religious* that I lose sight of his true work around me.

 Later that day I enjoyed Mother’s day and celebrated two birthday parties. I felt so blessed. Blessed to have friends, blessed to have family, blessed to have an amazing husband that I never deserved and just so thankful to God for all of his undeserving goodness.

I hope your day was as special as mine. I don’t think I will forget about it anytime soon. I pray that it will resonate and linger with me until the day that I die, sparking a wild fire that reaches the ends of this earth and will ultimately never die out.

2 wise responses:

mariecjsjourney said…
What a very nice quotes like it. Mom is a fulfill job. Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salary jobs… since the payment is pure love.
May 11, 2012 12:50:00 PM CDT
Janelle@AStoryofGrace said…
Happy Mother’s Day! Loved the pictures especially the first one (the roses).
May 11, 2012 5:53:00 PM CDT


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