
Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Names Bible Code Illustrated: Adam to Jesus (10 min)

Uploaded by on Feb 20, 2010

The meanings of all 80 names from Adam to Jesus read sequentially reveals a bible code like no other. A secret message unravels; a prophecy with an awesome prediction.

The meaning of a name was very important in bible days. Sometimes the bible itself informs the reader what a name means. Famous biblical persons such as Adam, Cain, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his 12 sons, all have the meaning of their name explicitly given in the bible. Their names tell the story of why or how they were born.

Some have wondered if these names (with their meanings) were intended by God to be strung together in succession to tell some larger story. Already there have been attempts to string together the first 10 names in the bible from Adam to Noah. In general, this is what the first 10 names of the bible read when the meaning of each name is rendered in the order given in the bible.

"The God-man is appointed, a mortal man of sorrow is born! The Glory of God shall come down and teach that His death shall bring the grieving comfort and rest."

As we shall see, this astounding bible code continues to read in the very same way, using all 80 names in the genealogy of Jesus!

I believe that the "Names Code" is God's response to the erroneous "Da Vinci Code"; both "codes" being released to the public about the same time, both claiming to be a revelation into the lineage of Christ, the son of Mary.

"The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham," (Mat.1:1).
...the son of Adam, the son of God," (Luke 3:23,38).

For more bible codes see

Method of Decoding Names Code
1. Sometimes a word in Hebrew has a double meaning that is lost in the English. On a few occasions both meanings are used to bring out the full sense. This is especially true if the bible itself applies the meaning of a name in more than one way, therefore the same liberty has been taken in the code, (example, Perez). Our purpose is to decipher the names-code. It is not to burden it with a modern methodology that is foreign to both the bible and to ancient near-eastern culture. To do so would be a huge mistake. Our interpretation must remain within the boundary that the bible itself gives to names.
2. On a few occasions, (as with Uzziah/Azariah and Eliakim/Jehoiakim), the person had two or more (often similar) names. Their meanings have been rendered as a compilation of both.
3. Sometimes in the bible, one name has two meanings: the literal meaning and a meaning based upon another word that only sounds like the literal word. In other words, a pun. An example of this is the naming of Zebulun in Gen. 30:19-20. Also see the long list of puns on names in Jeremiah 48:1-9 and elsewhere, There likewise appears to be a few (not many) instances of this in the names-code, as with Kenan, Methuselah, Lamech, Arphaxad (both literal and as a pun), and perhaps Boaz. Also see note for Abraham.
4. On several occasions, a noun has been used as a verb, such as Serug, (meaning, "a branch"). Since it is in parallel with the verb before it, "to sprout", the meaning of Serug likely carries this same sense also. Moreover, there is also a reference in the bible to the branch of the Lord "branching forth", (Isa.11:1; Zech. 3:8; 6:12).
5. "And", "but", "of", "the", "is/are", "in", "to" etc., are included in the meaning as simple connector words, necessary in a code of this type, and not uncommon in normal Hebrew too.
6. Sometimes the names appear out of order to the English reader, but not in the Hebrew since the adjective usually follows the noun in Hebrew, and there are other such differences between Hebrew and English.
7. The context determines tense because tense can be blurred in Hebrew when dealing with prophecy, with the exception of Jeconiah. He had three names basically the same, two of which were exactly the same except for one being future and the other being past tense. Therefore, since the names themselves make this distinction, it is thus reflected in the code.
8. Wherever the code reads, "the Lord", it actually reads, "Jehovah" (or "Jah" as shortened), or as more correctly pronounced, "Yahweh". Jehovah is the personal name of God given to Israel by covenant at the time of the Exodus.
Again, see for more information.

Secret Prophecy Found!

Uploaded by on Mar 29, 2012

An acrostic has been discovered with a secret message. In the bible, the first letter of each consecutive Hebrew name from Adam to Noah to Abraham's father "Terah" (a total of 19 names) reads, "I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving those of dust once again." (For more, see

An acrostic is a type of bible code. Psalm 119 is a classic example of an acrostic in the bible. The first letter of each series of sentences move successively through the Hebrew alphabet. (Also true of Psalm 9, 10, 25, 34, 37, 111, and 112.) These are obvious acrostics. However, there are secret acrostics hidden in the bible as well. This movie explores one of these 'hidden' ones --- hidden for 4000 years! The acrostic summarizes the plan of salvation from the beginning of time.

A good knowledge of the first chapters of Genesis (where these genealogies are located) are essential to understanding what the acrostic means, particularly the creation and fall of man and the rising up of Cain against Abel and killing him.

Moreover, the meaning of the names of each person in the genealogy when read consecutively declare a separate prophecy, yet compatible with this Acrostic Bible Code. There are 80 names in all that span from Adam to Jesus Christ. (See the "Meaning of Names Bible Code" on YouTube.)
For more bible codes see

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