
Sunday, April 8, 2012



Pe cruce, Isus iubeste si iarta,
Spaland cu sangele sfant,
Omenirea profund vinovata
In fata Celui ce-n veci este sfant.

Iubirea incet, incet, se scurge
De pe crucea de chin si durere.
O inima de mama se frange,
Iar omenirea se scalda-n placere.

Sangele sfant al lui Isus
A curatit orice urma de vina.
Tatal spre noi Si-a intors
Privirea-I de dragoste plina.

Ce dar minunat a primit
Intreaga omenire pierduta!
Isus pentru ea s-a jertfit
Ca sa devina curata si sfanta.

A recladit Cetatea Iubirii
Pe locul de ura-mbibat
Si a pus puterea invierii
In trupul dominat de pacat.

Iar eu, mai tarziu am ajuns,
Smerita, la crucea durerii.
Atunci am primit iertarea de sus,
Pacea si bucuria-nfierii.

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Let not your soul be sad

Easter is a time of joy

When all hearts should be glad,

Glad to know that Jesus Christ

Made it possible for men

To have their sins forgiven

And, like Him, to live again . . .

So at this joyous season

May the wondrous Easter Story

Renew our Faith so we may be

Partakers of “His Glory!”

~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

As we celebrate His victory over death for us, and brought us life
and immortality to light through the Gospel (2 Tim. 1:10) may it
fill our hearts to overflowing that we can’t help but share it with
others! Hallelujah, He is risen! Have a blessed Easter!

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