
Saturday, December 24, 2011

2011 DEC.7 Simpson College Hallelujah Chorus Flash Mob

Simpson College Hallelujah Chorus Flash Mob

Uploaded by on Dec 7, 2011

It's a cold, gray December day in Iowa, and you're stuck at the mall, trying to elbow past all the other shoppers to find that perfect gift for the relative you only see once a year.

Suddenly, you hear the beginning notes of, "The Hallelujah Chorus" play over the mall's sound system. It's much louder than the normal Christmas music.

You look around. Young people -- 100 in all -- are removing their coats, revealing their Simpson College T-shirts and sweatshirts.
And they begin to sing, filling the mall with their glorious voices.
That was the scene Sunday at the Jordan Creek Town Center in West Des Moines, where members of the Simpson College choir (along with a few alumni, faculty and staff members) conducted a "Flash Mob" in the middle of the busy shopping season.
Students also brought 50 shoes, boots and coats to donate to the "Shoes that Fit" campaign before they sang.
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