
Thursday, November 3, 2011


Proclaiming an Urgent Message

Dr. David R. ReaganPDFBy

Jesus is Coming soon! I have been preaching that message for 31 years ever since I gave up my academic career in 1980 and stepped out in faith to form Lamb & Lion Ministries. At the time, I had become overwhelmed by the Signs of the Times that seem to be shouting from the heavens that Jesus is coming soon. I felt an urgency to proclaim that message to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.

During the first seven years of the ministry I often felt a sense of frustration. My outreach was limited to a handful of radio stations, meetings at churches, and audio tapes.

The first breakthrough in reaching a mass audience came with the publication of two books in 1987 and the production of a video program that same year about Israel in Bible prophecy. Still, the outreach was greatly limited. Then, in 1995 I was introduced to the Internet and discovered to my amazement that I could reach the whole world through it.

The next great breakthrough occurred in 2002 when our Board of Trustees decided to switch our media outreach from radio to television. At the time, I had no inkling of what an important decision that would prove to be.

Today, 9 years later, our TV program is being broadcast over five national Christian networks that have access to more than 80 million homes in the United States. And through the satellites of two of those networks, we can reach every country in the world.

Additionally, we decided in 2007 to hire a full time Web Minister, Nathan Jones, to make our website interactive and thus responsive on a daily basis to inquiries from all over the world.

In short, after a slow start, God has provided us with a worldwide outreach that far exceeds anything I ever anticipated. And as I look back now on those "slow years," I can see that God used them to develop my message and to shape me as a messenger.

Signs of the Times

People often ask if I have become tired of proclaiming the same message for so long. The answer is an emphatic "NO!" And that's because the Signs of the Times are even more urgent today than when I began.

Take Israel, for example. There are many prophecies regarding Israel in the end times, many of which are being fulfilled today before our eyes. The four most important are:

    1. The regathering of the Jews in unbelief. This started in the early 20th Century when there were only 40,000 Jews in Israel. Today there are almost six million who have returned from over 100 nations.
  1. The re-establishment of the state of Israel — accomplished on May 14, 1948.
    1. The re-occupation of the city of Jerusalem — accomplished on June 7, 1967.
All the nations of the world coming against Israel — happening now.

We are on the threshold of the Tribulation when God will pour out His wrath on all the rebellious nations of the world. Fortunately for all of us, God never pours out His wrath without warning because He does not wish that any should perish.

The time is short, and I will continue to proclaim the soon return of Jesus as long as I have breath. Victory is on the horizon. And I can hardly wait.


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