
Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Growing in Grace
Christ Dwelling In The Heart By Faith
Arthur Pridham

A Risen Saviour's Challenge
C.H. Mackintosh

F. Lavington

Spiritual Activity
J. B. Rossier

"Meet Souls In Grace"
W.K. ("Lectures on Ephesians")

Love's Constancy
Arthur Pridham (Notes on Ephesians)

Just To Please Him!

Expecting Too Much Of Fellow Saints
J. W. N.

"Be Ye Tenderhearted"
Unknown Author

A Purpose Of Heart For Christ

Living By Faith
C.H. Mackintosh

So Great Salvation
A Letter On Free-will
-- J.N.Darby

Face To Face
from "Girdle of Truth"

Gracious Husbandman
from "Girdle of Truth"

Sanctification: What is it?
by CHM

by J. W. H. Nichols"

Sanctification, Without which...
by JND

Divine Persons
God's King - Divine Counsels Concerning Him
Words of Truth

The Abandonment on the Cross
R.A.H. (available in pamphlet form from Present Truth Publishers)

Of Interest
Jehovah Alone Shall Be Exalted In That Day
William Kelly

"Love Covers a Multitude of Sins"

God's Ways Behind the Scenes
Selected & Scripture and Authors

The Lord of Hosts
David Dunlap
"Amid all the confusion, terror, and conflict that rages today, our God remains a refuge of grace and strength. He stoops down to us in our need and misery to lift us up. Then, through acts of omnipotence and power, He makes known to men that the sovereign God of the universe is still on the throne."

Our Intercessory Place
John Bloore
"Now, as to our attitude toward the present struggle: it must not be nationalistic, or we step out of our true place. To be those of whom it is said, "Ye are not of the world," and yet take a place of partisanship in the world's struggle, is to lose our distinctive character and fail to fill our proper place."

A Prospect Bright, Unfailing!
Girdle of Truth

So Rich a Crown
By J. Boyd Nicholson
"Love was His banner and compassion the beating of His heart, even for those who hated Him without a cause."

Purity in Divorce

Hear Ministry on MP3

Message from
The Stone
Listen to Ministry. Bryan Baptiste opens up Isaiah 28:16 "Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste." - Recorded in Plumstead, London
Walk of the Believer - J.Muller
Faithfulness - M.Taylor
Go to

The Spiritual Songs Web Guide
Featured Hymn:
Lord of Glory, We adore Thee
Learn the Hymns by Heart. "I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also." 1 Corinthians 14:15
Hark! Ten Thousand Voices Crying
Gathered to Thy Name Lord Jesus
Christ, What Burdens Bowed Thy

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