
Monday, August 29, 2011


The Journal of Biblical Accuracy

Latest Articles

Holy spirit: "another comforter"

The world that then was

Lessons from the book of Jonah

Conformed or Transformed?

Aliens and strangers in the world or what makes the seed of the Word of God unfruitful and how to avoid it.

Faith and works

The good works that God has prepared for us

Chosen by God: a look at the doctrine of predestination

“Wretched man that I’am” – A brief commentary on Romans 7

Prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14

Tithing, giving and the New Testament

Most Popular Articles

II Kings 4:1-38 : Elisha, the widow and the Shunamite woman

1 Peter 3:19 : The spirits in prison

Body, Soul, Spirit

Genesis 1:1-2

Rest in the Lord

The fear of the Lord

Obedience to God

Honor your father and mother

The blind Bartimaeus

Articles by Subject

Biblical Studies

Chistian Life


Bible Characters




This magazine in other languages

English: The Journal of Biblical Accuracy Español: Verdades Bíblicas Português: Verdades Bíblicas Русский: Библейские Истины 中文: 圣经真理

한국어: 성경의 진리 日本語: 聖書の事実 Italiano: Verità Bibliche Ελληνικά: Βιβλικές Αλήθειες Türkçe: Kutsal Kitap’a ait Gerçekler

العربية: حقاﺋق اﻹنجيل فارسی: حقایق کتاب مقدسی اردو: بائبل کی سچائیاں

About this magazine

This magazine is a non-denominational Christian magazine whose aim is to teach the Word of God and serve through this way the one body of Christ. This magazine is not connected or sponsored (in money or any other way) by anybody. It is simply the sincere effort of the author to participate in my role in building up my brothers and sisters through teaching of the Word of God. Everything in this magazine is for free.

The position of this magazine is that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and it is absolutely accurate in everything. My desire is not to propagate any specific doctrine except the doctrines of the Word of God. The reader therefore is encouraged to check what we say here, not against a particular theological doctrine, but against the Word of God.

On the history of the magazine: This magazine started to be issued in its English form in January 1996 in Leicester, UK. It is presently issued in many different languages and its English form has hundreds of articles. It is our aim to translate, through the help of Christians that speak these languages, all the articles to all the languages we are hosting in this site. So please check here for more and more articles to come in your language. We also used between 1996 and 2004 to send a printed form of this magazine to various Bible colleges and universities around the world.

On the main author of the articles: my name is Tassos Kioulachoglou. I was introduced to the Word of God in March 1991 as a student in Thessaloniki. Then in 1993 I moved to England and from 1994 to 1996, I used to run fellowships and Bible studies in Leicester. A fruit of those fellowships was the English version of the present magazine. On a personal level: I was born in 1969 in Greece. I’m speaking Greek, English and German and work for many years as SAP consultant, specialized in the area of Finance and Cost Controlling (FI/CO for those that know SAP). I have a family with three kids and I love receiving the Word of God and sharing it with others through this magazine!

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