
Friday, June 17, 2011


A Dad Who Did It Right

Dr. Ray Pritchard

The assignment seemed simple. Find a biblical father who did it right. Sounds simple but it isn’t because the Bible doesn’t tell us everything we’d like to know. For most of the men of the Bible we’d have to say, “We don’t know whether they were good fathers or not.

But if one criteria of good fatherhood is whether or not your son follows in your footsteps, then I would nominate Asa, King of Judah, as one father who did it right. To begin with, Asa did not grow up in a godly home. His father was a man named Abijah, about whom the Bible says, “he committed all the sins his father had done before him” (1 Kings 15:3). That takes us back to Rehoboam who introduced idolatry into Judah. His father was Solomon, a wise man with a divided heart. So when Asa came onto the scene, he entered as the third generation after his great-grandfather. His father and grandfather had brought evil into the land.

Here’s the line so far:


What will Asa do? Will he follow his father and grandfather or will he be a man with a divide heart like his gread-grandfather Solomon? The answer is neither. The Bible says that he “did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as his father David had done” (1 Kings 15:11).

That takes us back four generations to his great-great-grandfather. So here’s the line:


1 Kings 15 tells us that Asa cleared out idolatry from Judah because he was fully committed to God. His great legacy to the world was a son named Jehoshaphat. Which way would he go? According to 2 Chronicles 20:32, “He walked in the ways of his father Asa and did not stray from them.” I cannot imagine a better compliment. No wonder the last part of the verse says, “He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.”

So here’s the line, which now covers six generations:


The Bible tells us that Jehoshaphat picked up where his father left off. He set up a system of religious instruction throughout the towns and villages of Judah. He commanded the judges to serve “faithfully and wholeheartedly in the fear of the Lord.” And when attacked by three different armies, he prayed a magnificent prayer and then sent his army into battle with the male singers at the front. As the men began to sing, the Lord “set ambushes” among the enemy armies causing them to attack each other, leading to a dramatic victory for the men of Judah (2 Chronicles 20).

No wonder even the pagan nations began to fear God. And no wonder that Jehoshaphat is remembered as one of the best kings Judah ever had.

Perhaps you are the first Christian in your family or the first one in several generations. Are you worried about whether your children will follow you? The best thing a godly father can do for his sons or daughters is to give them an example worth following. By God’s grace, the pattern of sin can be broken and a godly heritage established. Asa did, and so can you.

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De Dr. Ray Pritchard (tradus Rodica Botan)
O tema simpla. Sa gasesti un tata care a trait asa cum trebuie.Pare simplu- dar de fapt nu este simplu pentruca Biblia nu ne da toate amanuntele de care am avea nevoie. Pentruca despre majoritatea barbatilor-tatilor din Biblie putem spune ca nu stim daca sau nu au fost un tata bun.
Dar daca o criterie pentru un tata bun este daca sau nu fiul lui
ii calca pe urme, atunci l-as nomina pe Asa, Regele lui Iuda ca unul dintre cei
alesi. De inceput, Asa nu a crescut intr-o casa in care Dumnezeu era respectat.
Tatal lui era un om cu numele Abiam, despre care Biblia spune in 1 Imparati
15:3 “ El s-a dedat la toate pacatele pe care le facuse tatal sau inaintea lui;
si inima lui n-a fost intreaga a Domnului, Dumnezeului sau, cum fusese inima
tatalui sau David.” Asta ne va duce inapoi la Roboam care a introdus idolatria in
Iuda. Tatal lui era Solomon. Un om intelept dar cu o inima impartita. Asa ca
atunci cind a aparut Asa – el a intrat ca a treia generatie dupa strabunicul
lui. Tatal si bunicul lui au adus lucruri rele pentru tara lor.
Asta-I linia genealogica pina acuma:
Solomon - un om cu inima impartita
Roboam - un om rau
Abiam - un om rau.
Ce o sa faca Asa? O sa mearga pe urmele tatalui si bunicului lui,
sau o sa fie un om cu inima impartita ca si strabunul lui Solomon? Raspunsul nu
este acesta. Biblia ne spune in 1 Imparati 15:11…”Asa a facut ce este placut in
fata Domnului, ca tatal sau David.”
Sa recapitulam acuma patru generatii pina la strabunul lui. Iata
linia genealogica:
David - bun
Solomon- un om cu inima impartita
Roboam – rau
Abiam - rau
Asa - bun
1 Imparati capitolul 15 ne spune ca Asa a curatat tara de
idolatrie pentruca inima lui era dedicata pentru Dumnezeu. A lasat un sistem de
instructiuni religioase in toate orasele si satele lui Iuda. A dat ordin
judecatorilor sa isi faca meseria cu frica de Dumnezeu si din toata inima. Si
cind a fost atacat de trei armate diferite…s-a rugat o rugaciune magnifica si
apoi a trimis armata la lupta cu cintaretii in fruntea armatei. Cum oamenii au
inceput sa cinte, Domnul a facut ca in mijlocul armatei dusmane sa se iste
incaierari facindu-i pe inamicii lui sa se bata intre ei, ceea ce a dus la o
victoria dramatica pentru oamenii lui Iuda ( 2 Cronici 20)
Nu degeaba au inceput paginii sa se infrice la auzul numelui Lui
Dumnezeu.Si nu degeaba Iosafat este amintit ca unul dintre cei mai buni
imparati pe care i-a avut Iuda. Poate tu esti primul crestin in familia ta, sau
primul din ultimele generatii. Esti ingrijorat cumva daca copiii tai o sa-ti
calce pe urme? Cel mai bun lucru pe care un tata il poate face pentru fii sau
fiicele sale este sa le dea un exemplu care sa merite sa fie urmat. Prin harul
Lui Dumnezeu cercul vicios al pacatului poate sa fie rupt si o mostenire sfinta
data de Dumnezeu poate sa-i ia locul. Asa a facut asa…si poti si tu.

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