
Saturday, February 12, 2011

CHRISTIAN BRETHREN-8 Articles on Important Subjects

Articles on Important Subjects

The brethren in the 21st century (Mark A Swaim)

New Evangelicalism (Mark A Swaim)

Pentecostal, Charismatic, Third Wave Movements (Mark A Swaim)

Deception in the Church (Mark A Swaim)

A Doctrinal Discussion Of Tongues, The Foundation To All Charismatic Activity (Harold Mackay) (pdf)

The Gospel According to Gumbel (Alpha Course) by Michael J. Penfold

Satan’s Attack on the Gospel (Michael Penfold)

A Time to Discern (Dr Sam Kurien) This blog exposes false teachers and teaching)

Purpose Driven...

The Purpose Driven Church (A Critique) by Michael J. Penfold

The Purpose Driven Church and Life(Berean Call)

My Answer to “The Purpose Driven Church” by Kenneth Hampton

Creation Research

Sunday School Material

Gospel Hall: Sunday School
Gary Sharp Sunday School Lesson Book
Light for Young Paths
San Filipe Collection
Children of the Bible
Mervyn Paul SS Lessons (English)
Mervyn Paul SS Lessons (Spanish)
Bible for Children
Moody Film Strips
The Fiery Furnace
Bible Story Lapbook


The Pilgrim’s Poems: Forty-nine family poems expressing the hope and joy found in Christ, the pre-eminent object of the believer’s home (pdf)

Poems of John MacPherson (pdf)

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