
Sunday, January 2, 2011




Once again we have entered upon a new year welcomed with wild celebrations at midnight, December
again we have entered upon a new year welcomed with wild celebrations at midnight, December 31. Such festivities are questionable at best. And why celebrate the reminder that, just as a year has vanished into the past, so all too quickly must our earthly lives pass as well? That fact should bring sober contemplation and prayer rather than loud rejoicing.
Time passes and cannot be recalled. The poet wrote of her memory running "like a hunted thing down paths I cannot retrace." Time is mysterious, beyond our ability to fathom. We know some things about time, but what it really is eludes our most advanced science. Essential for change and motion in the physical universe, time will be absent in eternity. Nothing changes or ages in eternity; it is one eternal now, impossible for us at present to comprehend.


F.Z.KJV 1 Corinthians 15:55 O death, where [is] thy sting? O grave, where [is] thy victory?
KJV Hosea 13:14 I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy des
truction: repentance shall be hid from mine eyes. before the eyes of the LORD...then this verse will be your comfort...Rom.14:8..whether we live or die, we belong to the LORD. SO whether we live or die, we belong to the LORD!" John be with CHRIST JESUS IS FAR BETTER THAN THIS LIFE...Phil1:21-23.

We have place this text in Phil. on the grave stone of our only boy who died 2years ago..he was 9 years full of LIFE AND ENERGY..God has blessed him with everything in this life..people would have said..and they did: WHY HIM? HE HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL..My dream for him was that he will proclaim the gospel of JESUS CHRIST with boldness..He had all the potential - one friend called him 'little John the Baptist' eating all kinds of raw fish, so happy in nature..loved the basics in life , free! ..and God changed his little heart miraculous in a visable period of 6 months before the accident (do not know were it all started) He was so aware of the FACT that he must stand before CHRIST JESUS...SOON..and are not prepared...this little boy who lived like "Dennis the menace'...suddenly had a vision of eternity and an urgency for a new heart..even prayed at meal times.."LORD..PLEASE CHANGE MY HEART"... forget to pray for the food...walking from a cricket game..his first words, 2 weeks before his accident.."MOM, please tell me, how can I be sure I am born of GOD"...such a urgency...we shared and prayed and trusted the LORD...not knowing what lay before us...but GOD's SOVEREIGN RULE HAS BURNED INTO OUR HEARTS AND HEADS AND SOUL...Rom.8:28-30. ALL THE MATTERS IS THE CONDITION OF YOUR will live for all hell or with the LORD

L.F.Very true indeed.It's an imperfect world until the day of judgement.God knows the reasons behind everything in life.Jesus says,"Believe in me and you are saved".God bless

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