
Friday, January 14, 2011

FRANCIS CHAN on His Recent Experience in Asia

Francis Chan on His Recent Experience in Asia


This is the second post in a question and answer series with Francis Chan (read the first).

For the end of 2010 you and your family sort of unplugged and spent a couple of months serving in Asia. Could you tell us about what that time was like? What is God teaching you through that experience?

It was a wonderful time of ministry and learning for my family and me. I learned so much from the believers overseas. There is a focus and a seriousness that comes with persecution. I was deeply influenced and encouraged by our brothers and sisters in difficult situations.

I believe the Lord is teaching me that we can and must have that kind of devotion to him even in a place where there is little persecution.

Register now for the 2011 Conference for Pastors.

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