
Friday, December 31, 2010

Recipe for a Happy New Year

Recipe for a Happy New Year

I will:
Like Enoch—walk in daily fellowship with my Heavenly Father.
Like Abraham—trust implicitly in my God.
Like Job—be patient under all circumstances.
Like Joseph—turn my back on all seductive advances.
Like Moses—choose to suffer rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin.
Like Caleb and Joshua—refuse to be discouraged because of numbers.
Like Gideon—advance, even though my friends are few.
Like David—lift up my eyes to the hills from which comes my help.
Like Jehoshaphat—prepare my heart to seek the Lord.
Like Daniel—commune with God at all times and in all places.
Like Andrew—strive to lead others to Christ.
Like Stephen—manifest a forgiving spirit toward all who seek my hurt.
Like Paul—forget those things that are behind and press forward.

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