
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


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Problem solved
'God ... is the ... controller of all things.' 1 Timothy 6:15
We all get that fluttery feeling in our stomachs - it might
be confirmation that last night's turkey twizzlers did
actually need a further ten minutes in the oven or it
might mean you're suffering with a bad case of worry.
So how do you stop that seasick sensation? First,
always ensure your food is piping hot. Second, get a
grip on your anxiety. Scribble down your problem
on a pad. What exactly are you worrying about? Be
specific. Then put your brain in gear. Write down
alternative solutions to your problem. Weigh each
solution up - ask yourself 'What've I got to lose?' and
'What've I got to gain?' Face up to your fear. Now
you have it on paper, face each possible outcome and
prepare yourself what it would mean if the worst did
happen. Commit yourself to improving the situation.
Is there something you could do, practically, that would
help ensure the best possible outcome? Most
importantly give it over to God. Pray for wisdom.
Bend your ear to what He's saying through the
Word. After all, He is
'the...controller of all
Shape your problems into praises and
watch your problem perspective-shift. 'If you
don't know what you're doing, pray to your
Father. He loves to help. You'll get His help,
and won't be condescended to when you ask
for it. Ask boldly, believing without a second
(James 1:5-6 TM).

Bible in a year: 2 Sam 14:21 - 17:13; John 3:1-21; Ps 89:15-37; Pr 23:15-18;
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