
Thursday, July 22, 2010

GLOBAL RECORDING-Telling the story of Jesus in every languagee

Telling the story of Jesus in every languagee


News and articles from the world of the Global Recordings Network.

Free tools for missions

Tim Young, in the MissionBytes email list, talks about the free Audacity software, and it's use in GRN.


Digitizing audio

Tim Young, in the MissionBytes email list, talks about the digitization of the entire audio archive at GRN-USA.


Recording the Gospel

Gospel Recordings shares Christ with speakers of isolated languages. From the "Power for Living" paper, 1999.


Can Sickness Be a Blessing?

An article from "Pressing On" - newsletter of the NT Missionary Union, a church planting fellowship working in 12 countries.



Articles about the characteristics of oral societies, and how to communicate the gospel to them.


Tech Depot: GRN training material and technical information

A short selection of some of the training material and other technical information GRN has about recording technology and practices. This is made freely available to help missions and indigenous churches in their recording ministries.


Unreached PeoplesRelated Articles

Frequently Asked Questions: Frequently Asked Questions about the organisation and ministry of the Global Recordings Network

How did the vision start?: "Joy felt was a deep sense of disappointment and sorrow at having to leave her beloved converts behind - people who in most cases were unable to read or write and relied on a verbal message to bring them to a saving knowledge of Christ."

Do you communicate the gospel effectively?: Everyone planning an evangelism outreach, first needs to determine where on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs the target group is.

Empower Local Churches: An outreach team visits a small village in a remote area. There's no local pastor; 90% of the people are non-literate and cannot read. Tracts and the Bible in written form mean nothing to them.

The Challenge: You want to share the Word of God with somebody else in his/her own language, but he/she cannot read the Bible or a tract. Here's what to do.

The True Cost of a Cassette: What is the true cost of making a recording of the Gospel for non-literate tribal people ... a cassette that proclaims the Lordship of Christ?

Some Difficulities of Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Evangelism: This is a memo on the problems of determining the language groups that need evangelism. These notes from a Paul Hattaway lecture during the recent recordist training provided much of the material.

Recording Snapshots 2: Kim Knight tells more stories of his recording trip to the Solomon Islands in April 2004

Research into solid-state playback technology: GRN is researching the next generation of solid-state playback technology for use in far flung mission fields

Focus on Burma: There are more than 100 languages spoken in Burma. Only about a dozen have scriptures. Officially literacy (in the official language) is quite high but among the tribal groups there are many who need to hear the Good News in their own language.

Find out more

Global Recordings NetworkREAD MORE

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