
Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Paul Washer - Shocking Message (full length)
repentandtrustdotorg — November 25, 2006 — This is a Shockingly Powerful & Biblical message
preached to about 5,000 youth in a day when youth
are appealed to through shallow and worldly means.

At one point in this sermon the 5,000 Youth are
clapping and yelling BUT THEN the preacher makes
can imagine, the preacher was never invited back.

We believe the whole sermon will be a blessing
to many souls. For more info about Paul Washer
go to

Re: Paul Washer - Shocking Message (full length)
jesusthankyou — October 25, 2008 — just sharing 3 things i noticed in Paul Washer that Christians should take an example from.. I an essay, evaluating the speech. Shocking Youth Message

The speech Paul Washer gave known as, Shocking Youth Message is known pretty well around many circles of Evangelicals. It was a message delivered to 5,000 youth in a day when the great majority of Americans professed to be Christians; believing that if they prayed a superstitious prayer, they will automatically be saved. Yet, they are not at all concerned about holiness being separate from the world; they arent concerned about getting the gospel to the unreached peoples. Therefore, in this essay, I will evaluate the introduction of Washers speech; dividing it in three parts.
In the very beginning of the speech, Paul Washer warns the audience that what they are about to hear is very offensive and warns the people that they will be angry; also he adds that they will misunderstand him. It was a very effective introduction because he presented them with the statement that if he correctly interprets the Biblical passage, it is as though God were speaking through a man, because the Bible is the Word of God. This brought the attention of the people, to realize that the message is about them, to them, spoken by Jesus and not just by a man. The really great thing was that he stuck to the Bible the whole message, and didnt move on or off to other places but focused on the message he was bringing. He interpreted passage the way God meant it to be.
Washers speech was very bold and uncompromising and he spoke with authority of the Bible. He was not concerned with the fact that many people will not like him, because he will talk about what is not popular and what people do not like to hear. He really knew his audience. He knew that the great majority of them are not real Christians, and he stuck to that audience. Even after being very loudly applauded, he stepped up and said, I dont know why you are clapping, Im talking about you. This is a great example to Christians in a day when living by the Bible is looked upon as narrow mindedness or something very negative. Jesus promised that true Christians will always be persecuted.
Though it may not look like love to the worlds eye, it is true love to speak the truth, especially when it hurts and when there is consequences that are not pleasing. Washer knew he would be kicked out after the message. He even said it at the beginning of his speech. Love wants the best for a person and addressing a person; telling him about the most important thing in life, where you will spend eternity is true love. Though it might be tough to swallow, it needs to be heard and applied.
Paul Washers speech was really good, but due to time availability, I only evaluated the introduction, and he really did a good job in sticking to what he promised, the Bible. He was unashamed, bold, uncompromising, firm, and loving. It was very well delivered, kept on track, and focused. It was a very memorable message because of the radical application it has.
• adalbertomodesusa
2 months ago 11
We need more young people like this kid in America! Jesus is the Way, the True and the Life!! We need to tell people to convert to Jesus, we need young men and women to proclaim the REAL GOSPEL of Jesus Christ! God bless you kid, keep it up! SPEAK ABOUT JESUS!!!
• brent696139
8 months ago 6
yes brother, glad to hear how Christ used brother Paul to change ur heart!
• MadeToBeUnique
1 week ago
It is so refreshing to hear youth share their love and zeal for God, brings me back to my younger days when I was 17 and 18 and completely on fire for God and wanted to share what I learned and hear about God with the whole world. Keep the zeal, keep the Love and keep growing in God's Word! *big smiles* Sincerely, Crystal
• 73Bossman
4 months ago
I love the boldness of your posting. The impact the video had on you is striking. Press on.
• gdheaven07
4 months ago
Amen! Stay focused on Christ and you'll do great things for Him!
8 months ago 5
amen young man.. may God bless you.. its good u realize the truth and didnt get offended.. keep searching scriptures.. and please be bold enough to warn ur friends and others who are getting taught a watered down gospel..
8 months ago 3
Thank you, brother! God is good and he is raising bold preachers of the truth!
• tkeaton7
10 months ago
Man, I love it when I find somebody lifting Jesus!. Keep on keeping on

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