
Monday, April 26, 2010


Messianic Prophecies
Separated By Bible Book
Page 1

Genesis Prophecies

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would be born of the "seed" of a woman.

Genesis 3:15a

Luke 1:34-35

The Messiah would successfully defeat Satan.

Genesis 3:15b

1 John 3:8

The Messiah would suffer when redeeming man to God.

Genesis 3:15c

1 Peter 3:18

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Seth.

Genesis 4:25

Luke 3:23-38

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Shem.

Genesis 9:26

Luke 3:23-36

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.

Genesis 12:3

Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Isaac.

Genesis 17:19

Luke 3:23-34

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.

Genesis 18:17-18a

Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.

Genesis 18:17-18b

Acts 3:24-26

The Messiah would come form the lineage of Isaac.

Genesis 21:12

Luke 3:23-34

The Messiah would be God's "Sacrificial Lamb".

Genesis 22:8

John 1:29
Romans 8:3-4
1 Corinthians 5:7

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.

Genesis 22:18a

Galatians 3:16

The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.

Genesis 22:18b

Galatians 3:14

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Isaac.

Genesis 26:4

Luke 3:23-34

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Jacob.

Genesis 28:14a

Luke 3:23-34

The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.

Genesis 28:14b

Galatians 3:26-29

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Judah.

Genesis 49:10a

Luke 3:23-33

The Messiah would gather all people before Him.

Genesis 49:10b

Luke 12:1
Mark 1:45

The Messiah would be the "vine" of all living.

Genesis 49:11

John 15:1-5

Exodus Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah's bones would not be broken during crucifixion. Exodus 12:46 John 19:32-33

Numbers Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment
The Messiah's bones would not be broken during crucifixion. Numbers 9:12 John 19:32-33
The Messiah would be God's "Star." Numbers 24:17 Revelation 22:16

Deuteronomy Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would be a Prophet as man.

Deut. 18:15

Matthew 21:11

The Messiah would be a Prophet as man.

Deut. 18:18a

Matthew 21:11

The Messiah would speak God's "Will and Word."

Deut. 18:18b

John 12:49

The Messiah would become a curse for the redemption of man.

Deut. 21:23

Galatians 3:13

The Messiah would be worshiped by Angels and men at His birth.

Deut. 32:43

Luke 2:13-14

Ruth Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Boaz & Ruth.

Ruth 4:12-17

Luke 3:23-32

1st. Samuel Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would be exalted by God with power and glory.

1 Samuel 2:10

Matthew 28:18
1 Peter 3:22

2nd. Samuel Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.

2 Samuel 7:12-13

Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would be the Son of God.

2 Samuel 7:13-14

Matthew 3:16-17

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.

2 Samuel 7:16

Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would come for all people.

2 Samuel 22:50

Romans 15:8-9

The Messiah would be the "Spiritual Rock."

2 Samuel 23:2-4a

1 Corinthians 10:4

The Messiah would be like the "Light of the Morning."

2 Samuel 23:2-4b

Revelation 22:16

1st. Chronicles Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Judah.

1 Chronicles 5:2

Luke 3:23-33

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.

1 Chr. 17:11-12a

Luke 3:23-31

The Messiah's kingdom would be eternal.

1 Chr. 17:11-12b

Luke 1:32-33

The Messiah would be the Son of God.

1 Chr. 17:13-14

Matthew 3:16-17
John 12:28-30

Job Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

Yeshua would stand at the latter day upon earth.

Job 19:25-27

John 5:24-29

Psalm Prophecies

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would also be rejected by Gentiles.

Psalm 2:1

Acts 4:25-28

Political/religious leaders would conspire against the Messiah.

Psalm 2:2

Matthew 26:3-4
Mark 3:6

The Messiah would be King of the Jews.

Psalm 2:6

John 12:12-13
John 18:32

The Messiah would be the Son of God.

Psalm 2:7a

Luke 1:31-35
Matthew 3:16-17
Hebrews 1:5-6

The Messiah would reveal that He was the Son of God.

Psalm 2:7b

John 9:35-37

The Messiah would be raised from the dead and be crowned King.

Psalm 2:7c

Acts 13:30-33
Romans 1:3-4

The Messiah would ask God for His inheritance.

Psalm 2:8a

John 17:4-24

The Messiah would have complete authority over all things.

Psalm 2:8b

Matthew 28:18
Hebrews 1:1-2

The Messiah would not acknowledge those who did not believe in Him.

Psalm 2:12

John 3:36

Infants would give praise to the Messiah.

Psalm 8:2

Matthew 21:15-16

The Messiah would have complete authority over all things.

Psalm 8:6

Matthew 28:18

The Messiah would be resurrected.

Psalm 16:8-10a

Matthew 28:6
Acts 2:25-32

The Messiah's body would not see corruption (natural decay).

Psalm 16:8-10b

Acts 13:35-37

The Messiah would be glorified into the presence of God.

Psalm 16:11

Acts 2:25-33

The Messiah would come for all people.

Psalm 18:49

Ephesians 3:4-6

The Messiah would cry out to God.

Psalm 22:1a

Matthew 27:46

The Messiah would be forsaken by God at His crucifixion.

Psalm 22:1b

Mark 15:34

The Messiah would pray without ceasing before His

Psalm 22:2

Matthew 26:38-39

The Messiah would be despised and rejected by His own.

Psalm 22:6

Luke 23:21-23

The Messiah would be made a mockery.

Psalm 22:7

Matthew 27:39

Unbelievers would say to the Messiah, "He trusted in God, let Him now deliver Him."

Psalm 22:8

Matthew 27:41-43

The Messiah would know His Father from childhood.

Psalm 22:9

Luke 2:40

The Messiah would be called by God while in the womb.

Psalm 22:10

Luke 1:30-33

The Messiah would be abandoned by His disciples.

Psalm 22:11

Mark 14:50

The Messiah would be encompassed by evil spirits.

Psalm 22:12-13

Colossians 2:15

The Messiah's body would emit blood & water.

Psalm 22:14a

John 19:34

The Messiah would be crucified.

Psalm 22:14b

Matthew 27:35

The Messiah would thirst while dying.

Psalm 22:15a

John 19:28

The Messiah would thirst just prior to His death.

Psalm 22:15b

John 19:30

The Messiah would be observed by Gentiles at His crucifixion.

Psalm 22:16a

Luke 23:36

The Messiah would be observed by Jews at His crucifixion.

Psalm 22:16b

Matthew 27:41-43

Both the Messiah's hands and feet would be pierced.

Psalm 22:16c

Matthew 27:38

The Messiah's bones would not be broken.

Psalm 22:17a

John 19:32-33

The Messiah would be viewed by many during His crucifixion.

Psalm 22:17b

Luke 23:35

The Messiah's garments would be parted among the soldiers.

Psalm 22:18a

John 19:23-24

The soldiers would cast lots for the Messiah's clothes.

Psalm 22:18b

John 19:23-24

The Messiah's atonement would enable believers to receive salvation.

Psalm 22:22

Hebrews 2:10-12
Matthew 12:50
John 20:14

The Messiah's enemies would stumble and fall.

Psalm 27:2

John 18:3-6

The Messiah would be accused by false witnesses.

Psalm 27:12

Matthew 26:59-61

The Messiah would cry out to God "Into thy hands I commend my spirit."

Psalm 31:5

Luke 23:46

There would be many attempts to kill the Messiah.

Psalm 31:13

Matthew 27:1

The Messiah would have no bones broken.

Psalm 34:20

John 19:32-33

The Messiah would be accused by many false witnesses.

Psalm 35:11

Mark 14:55-59

The Messiah would be hated without cause.

Psalm 35:19

John 18:19-23
John 15:24-25

The Messiah would be silent as a lamb before His accusers.

Psalm 38:13-14

Matthew 26:62-63

The Messiah would be God's sacrificial lamb for redemption of all mankind.

Psalm 40:6-8a

Hebrews 10:10-13

The Messiah would reveal that the Hebrew scriptures were written of Him.

Psalm 40:6-8b

Luke 24:44
John 5:39-40

The Messiah would do God's (His Father) will.

Psalm 40:7-8

John 5:30

The Messiah would not conceal His mission from believing people.

Psalm 40:9-10

Luke 4:16-21

The Messiah would be betrayed by one of His own disciples.

Psalm 41:9

Mark 14:17-18

The Messiah would communicate a message of mercy.

Psalm 45:2

Luke 4:22

The Messiah's throne would be eternal.

Psalm 45:6-7a

Luke 1:31-33
Hebrews 1:8-9

The Messiah would be God.

Psalm 45:6-7b

Hebrews 1:8-9

The Messiah would act with righteousness.

Psalm 45:6-7c

John 5:30

The Messiah would be betrayed by one of His own disciples.

Psalm 55:12-14

Luke 22:47-48

The Messiah would ascend back into heaven.

Psalm 68:18a

Luke 24:51
Ephesians 4:8

The Messiah would give good gifts unto believing men.

Psalm 68:18b

Matthew 10:1
Ephesians 4:7-11

The Messiah would be hated and rejected without cause.

Psalm 69:4

Luke 23:13-22
John 15:24-25

The Messiah would be condemned for God's sake.

Psalm 69:7

Mat. 26:65-67

The Messiah would be rejected by the Jews.

Psalm 69:8a

John 1:11

The Messiah's very own brothers would reject Him.

Psalm 69:8b

John 7:3-5

The Messiah would become angry due to unethical practices by the Jews in the temple.

Psalm 69:9a

John 2:13-17

The Messiah would be condemned for God's sake.

Psalm 69:9b

Romans 15:3

The Messiah's heart would be broken.

Psalm 69:20a

John 19:34

The Messiah's disciples would abandon Him just prior to His death.

Psalm 69:20b

Mark 14:33-41

The Messiah would be offered gall mingled with vinegar while dying.

Psalm 69:21a

Matthew 27:34

The Messiah would thirst while dying.

Psalm 69:21b

John 19:28

The potters field would be uninhabited (Field of Blood).

Psalm 69:25

Acts 1:16-20

The Messiah would teach in parables.

Psalm 78:2


The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of God.

Psalm 80:17

Acts 5:31

The Messiah would come form the lineage of David.

Psalm 89:3-4

Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would call God His Father.

Psalm 89:26

Matthew 11:27

The Messiah would be God's only "begotten" Son.

Psalm 89:27

Mark 16:6
Colossians 1:18
Revelation 1:5

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.

Psalm 89:29

Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.

Psalm 89:35-36

Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would be eternal.

Psalm 102:25-27a

Revelation 1:8
Hebrews 1:10-12

The Messiah would be the creator of all things.

Psalm 102:25-27b

John 1:3
Ephesians 3:9
Hebrews 1:10-12

The Messiah would calm the stormy sea.

Psalm 107:28-29

Matthew 8:24-26

The Messiah would be accused by many false witnesses.

Psalm 109:2

John 18:29-30

The Messiah would offer up prayer for His enemies.

Psalm 109:4

Luke 23:34

The Messiah's betrayer (Judas) would have a short life.

Psalm 109:8a

Acts 1:16-18
John 17:12

The Messiah's betrayer would be replaced by another.

Psalm 109:8b

Acts 1:20-26

The Messiah would be mocked by many.

Psalm 109:25

Mark 15:29-30

The Messiah would be Lord and King.

Psalm 110:1a

Mat. 22:41-45

The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of God.

Psalm 110:1b

Mark 16:19
Mat. 22:41-46

The Messiah would be a Priest after the order of Melchisedec.

Psalm 110:4

Hebrews 6:17-20

The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of God.

Psalm 110:5

1 Peter 3:21-22

The Messiah would be the "Stone" rejected by the builders (Jews).

Psalm 118:22


The Messiah would come in the name of the Lord.

Psalm 118:26

Matthew 21:9

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.

Psalm 132:11

Matthew 1:1

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.

Psalm 132:17

Matthew 1:1
Luke 1:68-70

Proverb Prophecies:

OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would be from everlasting to everlasting.

Proverbs 8:22-23

John 17:5

The Messiah would ascend and descend to and from heaven.

Proverbs 30:4a

John 3:13
John 6:38
Mark 16:19

God would have a "begotten" Son.

Proverbs 30:4b

Matthew 3:16-17

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