
Wednesday, February 17, 2010


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17 Feb 2010
Totally potty
... we have this treasure in earthen vessels ... 2 Corinthians 4:7
Have you got a downer on yourself today? Ever felt useless, pathetic, a waste of space? Do you think God might feel the same about you? Well, think again! God is positively potty about you! Nothing about you surprises God: He knows you're not perfect; to Him you're a work in progress and He loves your imperfections - yes, all of them! No ifs, buts or maybes, His love is unconditional. In fact, 'He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds' (Titus 2:14 NLT). Even if you feel as useless as a mobile phone without a SIM card, God chooses to use you. You are loved and chosen by God, to be used by Him just as you are. The Bible says God works through us '... clay pots ... to prevent anyone from confusing God's ... power with us ...' This way, when people see good things in us, they know it's actually God working in us. Jesus even talked about it: if there's a candle in a pot with the lid on, the light can only shine out if the pot's cracked. 'In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see ... and praise your Father in heaven' (Matthew 5:16 NIV). Grab hold of that 'potty confidence' God has in you: you're never useless to God.
Bible in a Year: Gen 1-3; Matt 15:15-28; Ps 28; Pr 5:3-6;
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© 2010: This devotional is produced by UCB, free of charge through the generosity of our supporters. As a gift to the body of Christ, permission is given to Churches and Christian organisations to copy up to a maximum of 52 daily excerpts per year. Excerpts must acknowledge Word 4U 2Day as the source, give the UCB address and inform that free issues of the daily devotional are available for the UK and Republic of Ireland।http://www।


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