
Wednesday, February 10, 2010


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10 Feb 2010
Let's stick together
He raised us up together... Ephesians 2:6
Hang around some people long enough and it's easy to get irritated; even in church. Sometimes other Christians can really get on our nerves and 'annoy the pants off us'. We can become so frustrated, fed-up, bored with church that we want to get as far away from it as possible. We begin to think, 'I don't need them, I can do without church'. We even start believing, 'It's OK to be a Christian and not go to church.' God says, 'He raised us up together ...' We're not meant to go it alone. God wants us to stick together; support, encourage and help each other. Can you imagine trying to get around today without your skeleton? Leaving all your bones behind in your wardrobe? Without your bones you'd fall to the floor in some kind of blobby mess, not being able to get very far. Keeping your skeleton intact, people get to see the real you, they get to see how great you are, how you move, what you can do. Take away those bones and the you they see would be very different. Church is a bit like your Christian skeleton. Without it people don't get to see the real Jesus. Church community can be really challenging, it can feel difficult or seem unimportant. But it's only when we stand together, grow together, learn together, worship God together, work together with God that He can truly be seen.
Bible in a Year: Rom 9:17-11:36; Matt 13:36-46; Ps 138; Pr 4:14-17;
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