
Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Sabina Wurmbrand
First clip from an interview in 2000- 26 April taken by the brother Emi Pavel from Radio Vocea Evangheliei Bucharest,now living in Canada. I did not know that I will be the last image operator Virginia Brasov(Primul clip dintr-un interviu in anul 2000 26 Aprilie luat de fratele Emi Pavel dela Radio Vocea Evangheliei Bucuresti acum locuind in Canada, . Nu stiam atunci ca avea sa fie ultimul...operator de imagine: Virginia Brasov ) 2.53 pm
Sabina Wurmbrand - 2
From a mother heart thothful thoughts for a women heart .(Ginduri dintr-o inima de mama pentru o inima de femeie26 Aprilie,2000) 2.56pm
Sabina Wurmbrand - harul si adevarul

Another part from last interview accorded to Sabina Wurbrand in same very year when she went to be with Whom she served-200- April 26 (o alta parte din ultimul interviu acordat de Sabina Wurmbrand in anul in care a plecat sa se intalnesca cu Cel pe care l-a slujit 3:08pm
Sabina Wurmbrand - La Pasti in 2000 - Partea 1
Biserica Bethel din Anaheim California cu ocazia Pastelui a organizat o vizita in grup la fratii Wurmbrand.Data filmarii: 22 Aprilie 2000
In all places, God has His own witnesses of the Gospel to proclaim His Word. And we, in the year 2000, are very special witnesses because when the Lord spoke to His disciples and told them to go to all the world and proclaim the Gospel, the smart people of that time could have smiled, a God who dies on the cross, doesn't leave behind an organization, committee or bank, and says to this small group "Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel." We, after 2000 years, who live now, are witnesses

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