
Thursday, December 3, 2009


It Will Cost You Everything
What does it cost you to follow Christ? Everything. Steve Lawson preaches on Luke 14 on the Cost of Discipleship. The sad reality is that many people are just part of a crowd, many are in the crowd...
What does it cost you to follow Christ? Everything. Steve Lawson preaches on Luke 14 on the Cost of Discipleship. The sad reality is that many people are just part of a crowd, many are in the crowd of those who listen to Piper, Washer, Conway, MacArthur, yet they themselves have not truly submitted to the Lordship of Christ. Search yourself out this very day... have you come to saving faith? Or do you just wish you had the reality of Christ that you see others have? Don't be part of the wrong crowd.

Steve Lawson is a pastor of:

ASeedSower234Excellent sermon, excellent presentation brother. We need to be followers of Christ not mere men.
Yes we must be willing to suffer and partake of HIS cup, that we may reign with HIM, amen.
We can not manifest HIM in our lives, if HIS Spirit does not dwell in us. We only have ears to hear if HIS Spirit is in us. It is the HOLY Spirit which opens the TRUTH for us, that we may know.
No man comes to the Father except He be drawn of HIM. We must be born again. We must become new creatures.
minimalistmaverick89 OH THANK GOD!!! He has heard my prayers! I can go to this church because it is in my city! FINALLY! I can visit somewhere where I know the gospel is preached! I'm sooooooo excited! Thank you for this upload.
lannopez Thanks.! Really needed to hear that.
endtimejeremiah Just read A.W. Tozer yesterday saying we are willing to sacrifice self but the hardest thing to do is dethrone self. That is such a true statement and the hardest: giving up the throne on which self is and letting Christ sit in the throne of our lives.
MustardSeedish Just what I needed to hear today. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
vasiliosrigos He returns not as an innocent Lamb, but as a roaring lion, to rule over all the nations as Lord of lords and King of kings, with a rod of iron. No second chances ,get off the fence and change your sinful ways, repent ,for the days ARE numbered.
a frind in Christ
Glory to God forever amen
Hiscall888Praise God, He so loved the world!
Praise God, for The Way, The Truth and The Life!
Praise God, by Grace we may be saved!
Praise God, by His power we may die to self, enter the small gate, travel the difficult narrow way and finish.
God is Love,
Jesus is Grace,
The Holy Spirit is Power.
Please submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ while you May! Now is the acceptable Time! Soon it will be too Late!
If you have, make sure you are not decieved! Only a few will find The Way! Agape.
Wow, this is so powerful. Presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice is the least we can do for our Savior. "He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6
CliffThe1st REminds me a bit of my day today. When every one in my christian ed class didn't listen to my teacher who was trying to explain something to the class that was related to Christmas and no one listened. Not joining in with what the crowd is doing is difficult because there is an enormous pressure to just join in and do the wrong thing instead of the right thing.
Cliff, Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His rightousness and all these things will be added unto you. Seek Christ through it all come what may. To the wind with the things and the ways of this world. Call out to Him, read His word and Seek Him. He will in no wise turn away from you. Do you really want Him? Then go to Him now and every minute you can. Jesus said, fear not I have overcome the world. Come to Christ and forsake the world that you may have Life in Him. Treasure in Heaven!

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