
Monday, December 21, 2009



Archibald Alexander

Richard Baxter

Andrew Bonar

Horatius Bonar

Jonathan Edwards *Most solemn author

Newman Hall

John Angell James *Most practical author

John MacDuff *Best devotional author

J. R. Miller *Best author on practical Christian living

John Newton

J. C. Philpot *Most experimental & insightful author

Arthur W. Pink *Best modern author

J. C. Ryle *Simplest author to read

Charles Spurgeon *Best evangelistic author

Thomas Watson *Sweet Puritan author

Octavius Winslow *Most comforting author

Wilhelmus A'Brakel "The Fear of God"

American Tract Society

John Abbott, "The Christian Mother"

James Alexander, "The Cultivation of Personal Piety"

Joseph Alleine, "The Gospel in a Map"

Edward Bickersteth, "Christian Parenting"

David Black, "The Deceitfulness of the Heart"

David Black, "Seeking the Things Which Are Jesus Christ's"

Robert Bolton, "Heart-Surgery"

Archibald Bonar, "Genuine Piety"

Thomas Boston, "Death"

Thomas Boston, "The Resurrection"

Thomas Boston, "Hell"

Thomas Bradbury, "Comfort My People"

Thomas Brooks, "Christ's Love for us"

Archibald Brown, "The Devil's Mission of Amusement"

John Bunyan, "Visions of Heaven and Hell"

Thomas Charles, "Affliction, Its Use And Benefits"

David Clarkson, "Soul Idolatry"

Theodore Cuyler, "Christian Recreation and Unchristian Amusement"

Samuel Davies, "The General Resurrection"

Anne Dutton's Letters on Spiritual Subjects *Best female author

Thomas Doolittle, "Motives to Love Jesus"

Thomas Doolittle, "Eternity"

Ebenezer Erskine, "The Groans Of Believers Under Their Burdens"

Darryl Erkel, "Practical Wisdom for Calvinists"

John Flavel, "Christ Altogether Lovely"

John Flavel, "The Christian View of Death"

Gadsby, "Waiting at Wisdom's Gates"

Gospel Standard, "Deliverance from Prison"

Andrew Gray, "A Door Unto Everlasting Life"

Edward Griffin, "NOAH'S ARK"

Edward Griffin, "Whom Have I in Heaven but You?"

Edward Griffin, "The Tender Mercies of God"

Edward Griffin, "Enoch Walked with God"

Edward Griffin, "An Exhortation to Serve the Lord"

Edward Griffin, "Heaven"

Edward Griffin, Christ, A Refuge From The Tempest

Edward Griffin, Sharp Arrows in the Heart of Enemies

A. Hall, "Distress of Mind"

Nathaniel Hawthorne, "The Celestial Railroad"

John Kershaw, "Spiritual Blessings in Christ"

F. W. Krummacher, "The Crucifixion"

F. W. Krummacher, "The Abuse of the Doctrine of Free Grace"

Henry Law, "I Am That I Am"

Robert Leighton, "Practical Commentary on 1 Peter"

Lachlan MacKenzie, "Once Upon a Time"

C. H. Mackintosh, "God in Everything"

Edward Manning, "Christ, Our Only Rest"

Edward Manning, "Worldly Affections Destructive of Love to God"

Thomas Manton, "Mortified Eyes"

Hugh Martin, "Joyous Spirituality of Christian Pilgrimage"

Charles McIlvaine, "Preaching Christ"

Matthew Mead, "The Power of Grace in Weaning the Heart from the World"

Matthew Mead, "A Name in Heaven, the Truest Ground of Joy"

F. B. Meyer, "The Blessed Life"

Hannah More, "The Pilgrims" (an allegory)

Thomas Murphy, "The Real Power of the Pastor Is in His Earnest Godliness"

Harvey Newcomb, "A Guide to Bible Study"

John Newton, "The Present and Future Rest of True Believers"

John Newton, "The imminent danger and the only sure resource of this nation"

John Newton, "More than a Calvinist"

John Newton, "The School Of Suffering"

William Plumer, "Job's Trials and Mercies"

William Plumer, "The Mystery of Sanctification"

William Plumer, "How God's people may make great attainments"

William Plumer, "A Sad but Instructive History"

Philip Bennett Power, "The Shadowed Face"

Philip Bennett Power, "Divine Guidance"

Phillip Bennett Power, "Self-Denial"

Elizabeth Prentiss, "Thoughts Concerning the King"

Legh Richmond, "The Dairyman's Daughter"

Legh Richmond, "The Young Cottager"

William Romaine, "Humility"

James Smith, "Wait on the Lord"

Gardiner Spring, "Human Sinfulness"

Gardiner Spring, "Discriminating Grace"

Gardiner Spring, "The Mission of Sorrow"

Gardiner Spring, "Death and Heaven"

Susannah Spurgeon, "A Song of Sighs"

Susannah Spurgeon, "A Basket of Summer Fruit"

Thomas Spurgeon, "Spiritual Worship"

James Stalker, "Seven Deadly Sins"

DeWitt Talmage, "The Ministry Of Tears"

Thomas Vincent, "Fire and Brimstone in Hell, to Burn the Wicked"

Thomas Vincent, "The Only Deliverer from the Wrath to Come!"

Thomas Vincent, "Christ's Manifestation of Himself"

Thomas Vincent, "The Vain Securities of the Wicked"

Jared Waterbury, "Joy in God's Providence"

Thomas Wilcox, "Honey Out of the Rock"

Whitmore Winslow, "The Hidden Life"

The reading of good sermons is the most underrated kind of Christian literature on the market today. In former centuries, the reading of sermons was the bulk of the mature Christian's reading diet. Most Puritan books, for example, are sermons edited for print. Sermon reading keeps believers in the Word, matures the soul, and whets the appetite for good preaching. It promotes Christ-centered thinking, healthy self-examination, and godly piety in every sphere of life. Though nothing can replace the Word preached, sermon reading has one advantage over preaching—the sermons that made it into print are usually the minister's best! Tolle Lege—"pick up and read" great sermon books, especially those of past centuries that are packed with spiritual meat." —Joel Beeke

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