
Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Karl KnechtelWOW! Amen! I struggle with these ideas often. In many of the churches I've attended, I felt like an "outsider" or something because I've questioned the "new methods" of "whatever it takes to get them in the door and keep them coming, and maybe they'll get saved", and asked things like, "Wouldn't it be easier and more biblical to tell them the whole truth up front (like Jesus did), and the ones who didn't want to hear it would leave and the ones who wanted to hear would stay?" I've attended bible studies, etc. with "Christians" who openly question or doubt the truth of the Bible, and lean towards other non-biblical writings and ideas, and started finding my own faith being stifled, yet It's considered "being divisive" to tell someone they are promoting unbiblical and un-Christian teaching. This is why it's important to tell the whole truth first and let those opposed to the truth of GOD's word leave if they so choose. I think it was Keith Green who once once commented about how Jesus never ran after the rich young ruler to try and make a deal with him to get him to follow, but rather let him leave. It's between GOD and the individual. We just need to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth - it will be enough. I think it was Spurgeon who compared the Bible to a lion, and said it didn't need our help to defend itself, it just needed to be let loose. Preach the Word in season and out of season.

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