
Saturday, October 24, 2009


Without question this is one of the most powerful videos out there. what a witnessing tool.  I love this old hymn and he does it so well. It takes me back to my early days as a Christian. I pray that others will feel this wonderful message in their spirits. God is good!!!!
This is a fantastic and powerful song! We need to hear this song a lot more in the church. Thank God for these old powerful hymns. There's no salvation, forgiveness, or eternal life with out the blood of Jesus. Great pictures. Thanks for putting this on.

thanks to our Lord, His blood saves us and reconcile us to the is a power there, that is the thing i will believe
There's nothing like a good 'blood sacrifice' to please the lord. Also Yahweh loves the sweet "smell of burning flesh". (Genesis 8:21)
all to often i feel distant from the father. or i should say my father. for the wages of sin is death. i have heard the message before that hell is a separation from God, i dont know how accurate that is but my sins sure make me feel separate from God. i know that he will never leave me or forsake me .that is probably why i dont understand hell being a separation from god. what a horrible thing that would be.
lilyofthevalley29 (
godismyjudge1000: God is a righteous and holy God...we are sinful, fallen mortal beings. Our sins have separated us from Him, but we can be restored by simply accepting we are sinners, believing in the FULL redemption of Jesus' death and blood for us on the cross. There is nothing you can do except to believe and accept. Read the book of Romans and then Ephesians..."the entrance of Thy words giveth light." May you find the truth of the Word of God and may it be your light in this world.

Maybe you would get crucified if the Lord called you to it.
About that splinter - I think of the crucifixion when the dentist is about to prick me with the needle. It reduces my focus on the pain.

Jesus is Risen - He is Alive
I think we forget how horrible crucifixion was: choking for air, the back rubbing against the rough wood. If you've ever had a splinter in your hand, try to remember how much it hurt: now imagine what it must have been like to have NAILS driven through your hands or wrists. There's no way I'm going to suffer that for anybody, but He did for me: I will be Grateful, Obedient, And Loving. Thank you, Lord and thank you whoever posted this.
thanks God for his sacrifice!!!

God is merciful...
pain..yes...but don't forget that his suffering was not just in his flesh by in his mind.he took upon himself the burden of our sins...that was the most painful part ...he felt separate from his father,that was really painful...
luv this song its not as fast as i would of likeed it but it still is belessed just the same
this gospel song kept me and my wife strong after we lost our daughter. Agnus Dei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for sharing that. Please remember that, just as Jesus rose from the dead, so will your daughter. He's promised us that.
Wow you really made this song your own...a classic hymn that sounds like just written today! Nice voice and style/rhythm
This is awesome! The mighty power of the blood of Jesus Christ made each one of us to have life here on earth as it is in heaven. No matter what stations of life we're in, a lot of people including christians just want to get a life. We need to change our thoughts on what Jesus did for us. Thank you and you have a Blessed, Healthy & Prosperous New Year!
This is great -- I love Ortega's music...and a great hymn!
They use ta make us sing for dinner at PGM (Pacific Garden Mission ) Even before I accepted Christ , this song effected me.Great version of this song. My life is radically changed by the pow'r of the blood of the Lamb! Coming into the 7th year of New Life in Christ,I'm as excited about the Journey as I've ever been about anything period

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