
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Angie Sickler This is awesome! It had to take quite a while to make those words make sense forward and backwards. So thank you Marcus Brooks and thanks to your production team for showing this unique way of sharing your friend's testimony
leslie harderVery inspirational. It's always a blessing to be reminded of the power of Christ in our lives.

Wanda Swint AWESOME!! Awakened my soul and heart. Felt the power of God moving in me with this video.

Marcelo Naconeski If someone doubts but in his sincerity, he seeks for answer, not being arrogant, Jesus will do everything to guide to the right path. As it was with Paul , the apostle .We must keep praying for those who are seeking for answers. The arrogant will be rejected by God, because they only love rhetorics and discussions. But true seekers, will find the true God

john A. Covey In these times of negative thinking what a refreshing message to know our God can turn hearts around. I was touched by this video.Marcus Brooks is being used greatly by the Lord. Thank you for this video.

Joseph Sennett Isn't it great when God "flips the script" on us. He takes the extreme many times as their testimonies are powerful, speaking as a former skeptic. Just look at Paul (Saul) Now there's a reversal..its no if you are blessed enough to be chosen, once hardened..spread the word, sow seeds, you never know where they may lead. Powerful video with an obvious great ending..and did you just see the illumination in his friends eyes and the peace in his smile. PTL

Marilyn Amburgey Amen to this video!!! for the Lord Is gonna be back very soon to take all his people out of here, the Rapture..and this day i can't wait for. God Bless everyone...may you all come to know the Lord as I know him,
Marcus Brooks posted a comment. Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Thank you for watching our videos. Please show it, send it, re post it anywhere and everywhere that there is a chance that people can hear about Gods love for us ! Feel free to use any of our videos! If you'd like the opportunity to see our futre vids, please join our Babbling Brooks Foundation page on Face Book. We are a new ministry and produce a new video about every week...we'd love to have you on board. Please keep us posted with any feed back to the content, it's what steers our mission! Once again thank you for watching and for the opportunity to share Gods word! God Bless Marcus

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