
Monday, September 21, 2009


The Naked Gospel: The Truth You May Never Hear in Church.
Eliminating 'churchy jargon' and 'religiosity'
Pete Chagnon - OneNewsNow - 9/16/2009 5:00:00 AM

The author of a new book is encouraging Christians to present the gospel plainly.

The Naked GospelAndrew Farley is a tenured professor at Texas Tech University and the author of The Naked Gospel: The Truth You May Never Hear in Church. The book deals with so-called Christian jargon, "Christianese," and double-talk. Farley says at one time in his life he was doing all the things he believed a good Christian should be doing, yet he still felt miserable and depressed. He adds that finally he realized that as a Christian he was trying to gain God's favor by becoming addicted to religion.

"You know, lots of people have been turned off by church, burned out by church, and yet they still have a curiosity, a sincere interest in Jesus. And that's what this book strips away the churchy jargon, it strips away the religiosity that many feel is so empty," he notes. "And it's an invitation to grab ahold of something -- something that I call 'Jesus plus nothing.'"

Farley says the book was an accumulation of his own 10-year journey into a closer relationship with God. The book tackles what he believes are common misconceptions within the church, such as the Ten Commandments, among other things. He contends that the Ten Commandments are not meant for the modern church.

"The fruit of the spirit replaces the work of the law in the Christian. And the presence of Christ indwelling us is the reason that we can be free from the entire law," he explains. "We don't even need the moral law if we have Jesus Christ, who is moral."

Farley is also a pastor of Ecclesia, a "church without religion."


Andrew Farley is lead teaching pastor of Ecclesia ( He served as a professor of linguistics at University of Notre Dame for five years and is now a tenured professor at Texas Tech University. Andrew enjoys helping others discover the liberating truths that are the birthright of every child of God. He lives in Lubbock, Texas with his wife Katharine and their son Gavin.


Since 1955, our church has resided on the high plains of West Texas. We are a church without religion. We teach "Jesus plus nothing" for salvation and "Jesus plus nothing" as the answer for daily living.

We believe the Bible was fully inspired by the Holy Spirit and that it was written without error in the original manuscripts. We accept the Bible in its entirety, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, as the sufficient and final authority for guiding man to faith in God through Jesus Christ.

We believe that there is one true God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that God is unchanging, all-knowing, all powerful and the creator of heaven and earth.

We believe that Jesus Christ is God who became fully human without ceasing to be fully God. We believe that He lived a sinless life and took away our sins by dying on the cross. He then bodily arose from the dead after three days and ascended to the right hand of God as advocate for those who trust Him for salvation. We believe He will return again to complete God's eternal plan.

We believe that the truth of the gospel is shocking and will forever alter the way that one lives life. We believe that Jesus Christ has totally removed and forgotten all of our sins. We believe that He literally lives inside each person who has received Him by faith. We believe that He motivates us by grace to live upright lives. We believe that Christians have the best thing going on Planet Earth!

The Naked Gospel: Endorsements

“How do you know a sailboat is maxed out in the wind? You listen for the hum. This book shows you how to open the sails of your life to the winds of truth, and to max out in God’s Spirit. Read this book and hear the hum.”

Leonard Sweet

“If you’re tired of wearing the ‘I’m a super Christian’ mask and are weary and discouraged on the inside, read this book and experience the freedom Jesus brings.”

Mary DeMuth
Author, Daisy Chain, Thin Places

“What a great ‘textbook’ on how to strip away all the religious fakery and take the challenge to just be a normal person while being a healthy Christian.”

Steve Arterburn
Founder and Chairman of New Life Ministries

“Our culture screams at us, ‘productivity!’ and often, this mantra gets absorbed and spread by the church. Grace is a word we use often, but rarely understand the depth and true meaning of. In The Naked Gospel, Andrew Farley strips down religion and shows us the faith and freedom God intends for us to have in a fully abundant, radiant life.”

Anne Jackson
Speaker and author of Mad Church Disease

“The Naked Gospel is an intelligently written book that is thoroughly intriguing. Your church or small group could benefit greatly by its wisdom and concepts. This is a must read!”

Dave Stone
Senior Minister
Southeast Christian Church

“The message that Andrew Farley brings in The Naked Gospel is so necessary for the church today. It is absolutely essential for a fulfilling and genuinely Christ-centered life.”

John Best, Th.D.
Former Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis
Dallas Theological Seminary

“For over three years, I have co-hosted radio and television programs with Dr. Andrew Farley. I have had the opportunity to pose hundreds of questions to this amazingly insightful teacher and author. God has gifted him with the ability to communicate the meaning of the Scriptures with remarkable simplicity. The clarity of his words should refresh the spirit of every saint, and beckon to the lost. The heart of Andrew Farley’s message is captured in ‘The Naked Gospel’, and I believe God will use this book to spur a church-wide awakening. It comes at the perfect time, when the United States, and indeed the whole world is hungering for answers. ‘The Naked Gospel’ is unabashed truth.”

Chip Polk
Co-Founder, Ragtown Gospel Theater

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