
Sunday, September 27, 2009

CHRIST ALONE Keith and Kristyn GettyIn Christ Alone Worship Video with Lyrics

Stuart Townsend - Music video to In Christ Alone featuring scenes from the Passion of the Christ
This link was emailed to me by a dear friend. I am an Indian from Bombay, & an ex-muslim. This gone Easter after 2 years of grounding in the Christian faith I was baptised along with 14 other muslims & a couple of buddhists and hindus. I am happy I embraced the One True Living God. I found that I was living a lie in the koran and mohd and allah. Today I have found what it is to be loved by God come what ever, & not just prostrate before a god who is aloof & demands that you obey & fear him.
Wow this is really great. This song has some of the most powerful lyrics. The Newsboys did this song too and it's so good. Thanks for this video friend. Also, please pray for the Marathi people everbody; there are nearly 100,000,000 who don't know Jesus. Groups like the India Gospel League, iglworld, and other groups try to witness to these people with the Good News of Salvation through Christ. They really need our help so they can share this message of love and hope.
i am a hindu by birth but bby the grace of The Good Lord i have realized that JESUS is the way of life.......................i am facing a lot of opposition but HE keeps me going so that i don't lose hope in life
thankyou Jesus
i love you so much please give me the strenght to always keep my faith in YOU
25283031 and pushpakanitin, may God bless you richly for your faithfulness to Him, and may He protect you from persecution. I am encouraged and blessed by your stories.
julieification "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us." Praise God you are His child. I appreciate you sharing. Would love to hear more from you.
Praise God. You are my brother or sister in Christ. "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worhy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us."(Bibile)
pushpakanitinjulification, Amen to what you said. I am a female ex-muslim btw, who got married to a hindu. We both were touched by the Lord and today we are I think happier than we ever will be. And the Lord DOES work in wonderous ways, seeing my happiness my folks want to know more about the Jesus of the Bible and not the Jesus of the koran. Do pray for them to be touched by the Spirit.

xxsexybitchxx23 (5 days ago)
Heavenly father I have wondered away from thee and now im trying to find my way back home. I am a child scorned by my sins but precious Father please do not turn me away at your feet I bow and i lay all my transgressions before thee please forgive. Take me back under your wings most high God grant me your blessings.Please dear God forgive of my numerous sins dear God bless,guide,provide and protect me and my family Dear God keep us all safe,in your sons name i pray AMEN.*tear* please pray for me !!

yalhooo amen =)
MultiDennis1991 well done girl go for Him...take heart!

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