
Wednesday, August 26, 2009



by Dr Daniel H. Smith

Chancellor of Emmaus Bible College

“(…) come together not for the better but for the worse.” – 1 Cor. 11:17

When Bonhoffer compared the nature of the relationship Christians had in the survival mode of the concentration camp with their previous relationship in better times ,he said that they had been ,,a league of pious strangers’’, rather than a fellowship of believers in those better times “

It is possible that the true believers in Christ may physically associate at meetings and not experience true fellowship? The Apostle Paul told the Corinthian church that they were actually worse off because of their fellowship meal then they will be without it. Problems in their attitudes and relationship displayed in that optional meeting were spoiling the essential of remembering Christ and he rebuked them.

Harmony and unity in the Godhead is the pattern for harmony and unity among believers. Our Lord taught us the self giving love among His people would be the central identifying feature of those who are truly His disciples.

For us who personally share a true faith in Jesus Christ for salvation there is the great privilege of fellowship together in Christ. Differences of all kinds are inevitable in any group of people. May we each give such high priority to our relationship with Christ that we will express and experience true Christian fellowship when we meet together! A ,,league of pious strangers’’ does not attract people to Christ. But a world filled with conflict and division where each one is doing his own thing can be attracted to our Savior by true fellowship among Christians. This is according to Acts 2:42, is an essential function of a New Testament church.

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