
Friday, August 21, 2009

THE 30- DAYS PRAYER NETWORK Our Attitudes: Unbelief, Belief and Love in any circumstance?

What image springs to the mind of most Christians when they think about Muslims? The Twin towers? Osama bin Laden? Are we called to defend “Christian civilisation” or are we willing to lay down our lives in love for Muslims and share with them the Good News of Jesus? Are we interested in self preservation or self-giving for the Gospel? Joseph believes that the Christian faith is primarily costly discipleship to Jesus Christ the Crucified. What do we believe?

The last of the unreached

There are about 220 Muslim peoples around the world with over 100,000 members each, and these peoples have no local committed Christian witness. In addition, there are no known believers who are specifically planning to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to them.

Why pray for Muslims?

Believers in the Messiah, Jesus, have many beliefs and values in common with Muslims, not only concerning faith-related issues but also moral values. People from both faith communities agree that our world has become a dangerous place.

About Ramadan

What Christians should know about the Muslim holy lunar month in Islam, a time of fasting and prayer for 30 days also called Ramazan according to the quaran. Order our prayer booklet to learn more…

About the 30-Days Ministry

The history, video and interesting facts of how the 30-Days International prayer movement began at a meeting in the Middle-East. Today the 30-Days Muslim World Prayer Guide prayer guide is now produced in more than 42 languages each year and distributed from more than 32 regional offices.

Prayer in Islam

Muslims are supposed to pray five times a day at specific times while facing the direction of Mecca in Saudi Arabia as a sign of true religion

The Islamic Calendar

Muslims follow the Islamic Lunar Calendar which is 354 days long compared to the western gregorian calendar. Lunar months shift annually. Ramadan is often 30-day

Praying for Muslims: With Love and Compassion

Every Muslim is someone whom God loves. Some Christians do not pray for Muslims because of prejudices or fears. Let us pray by asking God to give us a heart filled with love and compassion towards Muslims. Pray that Muslims will also understand that God desires for everyone to know Him as children and not as slaves.

How to Pray Creatively for Muslims during Ramadan – some ideas

You could organise some weekly or twice weekly meetings over the 30 day Ramadan period with your church, your youth group, your committee or leaders’ meetings, your women’s meetings, home Bible studies, cell groups, children’s groups; in fact, any occasion when your Christian friends and associates meet together.

The Five Pillars of the Islamic Faith

The Islamic faith is lived out according to five \”pillars\” that must be adhered to if one is to hope for salvation. Pillars include Ramadan, zakat, salat, hajj

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