
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Legalism of Grace...learning to love the legalistic

It is an amazing realization to finally see the doctrine of grace for what it really is. To be able to experience the freedom that comes only from accepting Christ. Often times we want to share this with others. For me, I was bound in legalism. I thought that I had to "do things" for God and always fell short. Steve McVey (Grace Walk) calls this the Condemnation-Rededication-Motivation cycle (or something like that). I was trapped in this rut for many years. Only until I understood grace better was I able to break away from this cycle. When I see others in the same place, I want to show them what I now see. I want them to know that there is No condemnation for those that are in Christ (Rom 8:1). I want them to live in the freedom that they have in Christ.

Unfortunately, I cannot bring them to that realization. That is up to the Holy spirit within them. I first had a hard time with this. I wanted to change the legalism of others and turn them onto grace. I now realize that it's okay. It is not my place to bring others along on the same journey as me. I think that it is beneficial to talk about where I am spiritually and how I got there. To share my story with people. To share how I broke free from the cycle I was in. But I need to remember that it was Christ that got me there. In the same way that I could not get myself to this point without Christ, I cannot bring others there without Christ. Trying to make people see what I see is like creating a new form of legalism: the legalism of grace. I cannot have a lesser opinion of others because they have not come to the same realization of grace that I have. I cannot be judgmental because they are still bound in legalism. There is no condemnation for them as there is none for me (even though they are still believing the legalism lie).

Our Job is to learn to love the legalistic not to convert them.
Friday, October 31, 2008

"The Legalism of Grace...learning to love the legalistic"

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Blogger RJW said...

Wonderful...having seen the "light" of Grace we want to pull others kicking and screaming along with us but Love never fails.

November 1, 2008 5:58 PM

Blogger patho-coasta said...

His grace is sufficient to us. There is freedom from sin, but we become slaves of righteousness (Romans 6).

November 1, 2008 6:41 PM

Blogger Socoteanu said...


Thanks for visiting. It is VERY hard to try to resist the temptation to do just that; to drag others along with us. But God works on people differently and only he can reveal the truth of Grace to them

November 1, 2008 7:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A legalist is someone who tries to "do" to be saved. After God saves us lets be honest and say we have to give some things up. There are things we can't do anymore. I enjoyed some of the sin I used to do so why would I give it up? And the answer is because He is "worth" it! There are a lot of grace people calling other family members "legalists" when in fact they are not. Read Matthew chapter 7. Jesus is the only gate and guess what else it says? The way is narrow. Now when someone simply says what Scripture says like the way is narrow then they are labeled a "legalist".

Christ didn't abolish the law but He came to fulfill the law. Christians should be the most "LAW" abiding people on earth!

December 19, 2008 9:52 PM

Blogger Socoteanu said...


I agree that things in our lives change when we turn to Christ. I think that the way that this happens is through the outflow of Christ in our lives. As I allow Him to be me, then I will change. Of my own power I am just as powerless as I was before Christ. Only by living in Christishness can change occur.

I try not to call anyone's poor form.


December 20, 2008 12:30 AM

Blogger JMBMOMMY said...

"A legalist is someone who tries to "do" to be saved."
I agree with this statement but I think there are many people who would say that they believe that they are saved by Faith ALONE but then still work really hard to please God and when they experience repeated failure feel like failures, only to try harder--never experiencing REST in Him. To me these people are never experiencing the abundant life that Christ came to offer.

"After God saves us lets be honest and say we have to give some things up."
I think it is a matter of order...God saves, we learn to surrender and abide in Him--and then the change happens. It isn't a flick of a lightswitch and it isn't like we can muster up enough willpower to change. Our willpower is the 1st thing to fail us. It is the supernatural power of Christ in us, through us that causes and results in change, real change. We are ONE with Christ once He saves. Yes, we have to choose moment by moment to surrender, to live DEPENDENT on Him--and when we do lovely things happen.

"The gate is narrow" I have no doubt this is true since the Bible says it. But I don't think anyone is getting through the narrow gate by running around trying to be better people, do better things, or cleaning up their appearance. By doing so, I think they are saying to Christ--you really were not enough. It takes you on a cross and all my best efforts to get me in the narrow gate. I think it is narrow because few humans can drop their pride enough to say "even my best efforts are filthy rags--I have nothing to offer you--you are enough." Admitting we have to rely on someone 100% is hard at times--we would rather prove we can do something, enough, etc.

"Christians should be the most "LAW" abiding people on earth!"
I agree! But not because we keep a list of laws and try to obey them...but because we are ONE with Christ, we have a NEW Spirit, a NEW nature--the nature and Spirit of the Living God--and when we walk in dependence and surrender to His ways....He pours through us....and His ways are holy!

Coming from someone who has experienced His grace only for a few years, I know that this is LIFE! I am experiencing true freedom for the 1st time ever!

December 21, 2008 3:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As I allow Him to be me"

Read Ezekiel 36:25-27. There are quite a few "I" wills in there and it has nothing to do with "you" allowing Him anything.

The Lord knocks down the door to a persons heart. He justifies the sinner. And He will do a work of sanctification in that persons life.

January 24, 2009 7:20 PM

Blogger JMBMOMMY said...

This is one of my favorite verses. We attended a conference once that was centered around this verse -- I guess as a theme--and it has always "stuck" with me.

"I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.

I couldn't agree more anonymous :) The Lord does ALL of it.

You know the whole grace vs. Legalism debate is really a silly one. If we are all believers---we should have something in common that brings unity--and that is to glorify our Father. He is worth of our praise, honor--and all the Glory goes to Him. We have nothing to boast about. It is an honor to be His child. And because of His great love and sacrifice--we should pour love out to others. It is a privilege to be in the family of Christ Jesus.

January 24, 2009 9:34 PM

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