
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Father's Grace

A very clean cut gentlemen walked up on stage.
He introduced himself for any visitors as the pastor.
But immediately explained he would not be delivering the sermon for the day-the associate pastor would be preaching.

But he further explained he had an announcement--a confession of sin and grace that he needed to share with his church family.

I have to admit my husband and I exchanged looks of fear due to past experiences with confessions at churches.

But what followed was the most beautiful display of love that a father could show for his daughter.

He began by explaining that he and his wife had enjoyed every minute of being the parents to their daughter.

He continued to refer to his teenage daughter as a "delight in every way" -- and explained that she was still a delight.

He reminded the audience that he had always been an advocate for God's standards and for the pursuit of holiness.

This was a man who truly believed that if you loved God and accepted God's love for you for salvation that you WOULD obey Him!

As he continued, he insisted that this had not changed and would never change.

But then he said, "God is a just, holy God--without sin and without tolerating sin...but He is also a God of mercy and grace. Tremendous Mercy and Grace."

He explained that he and his wife had always taught their children to live according to God's standards but that just as he was not perfect neither were his children.

He then told his family in Christ that his daughter was pregnant. He explained the relationship she had begun with another young man that attended the church several years ago.

He spoke of the young man with honor and praise.

He explained that he believed in this young man. Believed that his intentions to honor his daughter were in place throughout the relationship.

But then the pastor explained that the sin the young couple had entered into could not be hidden or downplayed.

It was sin.

He spoke of the dream he and his wife had had for their daughter was NOT this one.

This was NOT the way he envisioned it or would choose it.

Their dream had been shattered.

But He wanted to be a father of GRACE.

He loved his daughter ever so steady.
He loved the father of his soon-to-be-grandchild every so steady.

He was surrounded them with love, support, and prayers.

And he thanked his church family in advance for all the love and support a family provides.

And He gave all credit to the Lord for all things--His faith is in the Lord to work all things--including this pregnancy and relationship--out for good.

He said it was only by God's power and grace that he could stand before them actually excited for the events to come.

I sat there in this church that we were visiting for the first time--tears flowing freely--amazed at a father's grace!

And it is nothing compared to the Grace My Father shows His children everyday.

A Father's Grace. What a beautiful Story!

Monday, July 6, 2009

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